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~2 Weeks later~

I watched fondly as Abby tried to shift into her wolf. So far she hadn't shifted yet. I chuckled evertrime she got frustrated. She let out a groan, kicking the large rock in front of her. The rock cracked in half, one half falling to the ground.

"How do you do it?" She asked crossing her arms and facing me.

"I just... Shift," I chuckled, "you'll get there." Standing up I walked over to her, grabbing her hand in mine. I leant down giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Just keep trying."

She pouted and nodded. I took a seat on the grass and continued to watch her.

"They're gonna come for her you know." Edward said.

"I'm not gonna let that happen." I replied.

"And if they do," he said, I glared at him. She was hurt because of him, she was completely broken because of him.

"I said. I. Won't. Let. That. Happen." I became slightly enraged, who the hell does he think he is saying that.

"Look, Jacob. We're here to help. Abby is our top priority now, her safety is all that matters." He said, Bella leant into Edward.

"Right." Was all I could manage to say.

"She's my sister Jacob. I want to make things right again." Bella said.

I grumbled a few profanities before walking back over to Abby. She lay face down on the ground. I chuckled and poked her with my foot, she let out a groan.

"Wanna go grab something to eat?" I asked, she mumbled something that I couldn't quite make out.

She sat up and nodded, I held out my hand which she gladly took. Pulling her up, we walked past Edward and Bella. I glared at them both before hopping onto my bike and driving off.



I anxiously tapped the table with my fingers, people's beating hearts filled my ears. Their blood filled my nose.

"Here's your meals, enjoy." The waiter placed our meals in front of us, snapping me out of my daze. Grabbing my knife and fork I dig in. I make sure to stuff my face, hoping it'll rid the urge of blood.

"Abby." Jacobs voice filled my ears. I look up, some sauce dripping from my bottom lip. People stared at me in disgust. I place my knife and fork down. I finished chewing what was in my mouth.

"S-sorry... I.." I cut myself off and look down at my hands in disgust. I hated being this way, craving blood, having the urge to kill.

"Hey... We'll get through this. I promise" he said.

I stayed silent, tears welled up in my eyes. I blinked a few times to rid them, unfortunately a stray one fell. Jacob must have noticed as he gently grabbed my chin and tilted it up so that I was looking at him. His face dropped, a wave of sadness ashes over his features. He quickly replaced it with a neutral expression.

"Let's get out of here." He said.

I nodded and followed him out the door.

Blue Moon //Sequel to Midnight//Where stories live. Discover now