Chapter 17:

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Lucy's PoV

As Eyebrows pulled me along the corridors, I tried struggling, breaking free. "Stop struggling, there's no point. The cuffs are magical, you can't even use your magic at the moment." He smirked, pulling me back in line. "And it you try again, you know what'll happen." I felt two fingers on my back. I gulped and continued walking, looking at the inter walls. They had strange encryptions and pictures craved into them. Some hold languages and people bowing at what looked like the moon. "What the hell is this place?" I question my captor. "The moon temple of Galuna island." He states bluntly. "GALUNA ISLAND?" I gasp, turning around to him. Galuna island was said to be cursed. The residences here used to worship the moon, saying it had special powers or something, like being able to go anywhere through it or it saving the world from darkness at night. Porli told me all about it. "Yes, now shut up and keep walking." He pushed me ahead, making me fall to my knees. "Get up." He grunts, but I keep looking at the ground. "I said, get up!" He says a little louder. When he bends down to pull my arm, I roll on my back and kick him in the jugular. He falls back, holding his throat and coughing, as I jump up, pushing myself off the jump from behind my head. I start running in the opposite direction, of where I came from, my wrists still chained. When I get to the end of the hall, there I two ways I could go. Well, two ways I could get caught. From all sides of me, guards are coming my way. I look above me and is seems there is some sort of tunnel. I look around for any way out, other than the obvious. Remembering what Porli had taught me, I took a plunge. As in running into the wall as hard as I can, specifically shooting at the massive moon in the centre.

Here goes nothing.

Gray's PoV

We finally settled on our destination. Natsu's nose had led us to the dorks, and then I'm the direction of Galuna island. "Why of earth's name would she be here?" Carla asked no one in particular. "I don't know, but I dint have a good feeling about this." Wendy grabbed Happy, Lily and Carla, squeezing them in a hug. On the way here, we met up at the guild to quickly inform them on the situation. Gajeel and Lily decided to tag along. "We should keep with the locals first, find out if they know anything." Erza commands, grabbing both sick dragon slayers off the boat. "No! We need to find Luce/Lucy first!" Natsu and I shouted together. "Wow... They actually agreed...on something." Lily gasped for breath before Wendy loosened her grip. "We should split up. Juvia, Wendy, Carla, Lily and Happy will go to the village. Gray-sama, Natsu, Gajeel and Erza will look around the island for clues. Maybe you should start with that creepy looking temple up there." Juvia points up at the mountain peek. "Okay, we'll shoot magic in the air if we need assistance." Erza says, pulling her sword from her belt and sticking it in the ground. "We'll meet back at still point after Natsu writes 'found' in the sky. E second you see it, run. We don't want any trouble." Erza tells us and we all nod.

The village party go off to find it as we stay standing in the beach. "We are not drawing attention to ourselves." Erza begins and we all follow her into the jungle.

Lucy's PoV

After jumping into the wall, I feel I huge crashing sound and felt a strange force, as if I was going through I brick wall. Which I was. I landed and looked back from where I was. The wall was quickly fixed. Weird. Anyway, I've gotta get out of here and stop them! I get back up and look around my dark surroundings. When I took a step forward, the stepping stone below it lowered and light suddenly surrounded me. I looked around and it turned out that was some sort of light switch, a line of fire on the outer edges of the room. On the walls were diagrams of purple, blue, orange and green different beings kneeling down to a white, slightly mouldy, circle with craters in it.

I took another step and noticed an object in the centre of the room. "I see you have found my private chamber." The foul voice from before echoed around the room. I turned around and saw the same thing I had seen when I woke up, but without his helmet. It was the man from the mountain. "You?!" I gasped, stepping away. "Yes. I told you it was dangerous on that mountain." He sighed, taking a step closer to with each one I did away. "Sorry I didn't trust the weirdo from the mountain." I apologised sarcastically. "I guess that dragon was telling the truth about you, oh so difficult with following the rules." He chuckled. "What?" I clutched my fists. "That dragon friend of yours. Fuego, correct? He was a tough one to find. And even tougher to break." He chuckled again, waving his index finger in the air. "You B*STARD!" I try throwing a punch, but he grabs my wrist. "Now now. He wouldn't want to see his precious little girl so violent, would he? Especially from where he is." He smirked evilly. "I'm going to cut your throat open and paint these walls with your blood." I threaten, fighting against his grasp. "Wow, that actually gave me a shiver. Now go to sleep, little one." After swinging about a bit, he grabs my head and I fall asleep.

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