The voices

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From Molly's view;

I liked her name. Wendie. And I also liked her as a person. What can such a careful girl do in here?
-But what are you doing here?
I ask with a smile, but Wendie doesn't seem to like the idea of talking about her.
-See...I don't know if I should tell you this stuff... You're still very young. And I don't want you to be scared of me...
-Did you kill people?
Wendie's very shocked after my question.
-Errr... You know let's start again. Hello, I'm Wendie. I am one of the patients at Mount Massive Asylum since my mom became crazy. The doctors say the mental illness she has might be genetic. So they gave me pills too. But the worst...
Wendie starts crying. I'm still quiet.
-They took my mom away!
She burts into tears.
-They...they... I didn't see her for a month now! But I know she's still here, in the Asylum. I'm looking for her. I'm not leaving this place without her! And if I die... Then I'll see her in Heaven.
-So it's you.
-The girl screaming she doesn't want her mom to go away! I heard you from the elevator.
-Yes...That was probably me.
A silence took place. We were just looking at each other, thinking what luck we had we found each other. And then after a couple of minutes I fell asleep on Wendie's breast.


A weird sound wakes me up

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A weird sound wakes me up. I hear someone banging the door. Wendie's still asleep. Someone's coming. I hear their voices.
-I'm hungry.
-So am I.
-We have to find this journalist.
-Don't worry, I know where he is. We're gonna find him soon.
-Do you know where he is now?
-Probably in the second floor.
-But that's a long way. We should find some more food before.
-Yes, brother. We should.
The voices are identic. I first thought, they're the same person. I slowly look out from the vent. The morning sun is shining through the windows and in the light I can see two men. Probably twins. And they're...naked? Oh god! The only boy I saw naked was Daddy in the shower...
They have blood on their belly and the carry big knives. Also covered in blood. They might be dangerous even though they said, they're just looking for food. Food... I didn't eat dinner yesterday!
Wendie's slowly waking up too. She's very calm until she hears steps in the room. She slowly looks out from the vent like I just did. She sees them.
-Oh god...
We both whisper.
-We have to leave!
-But they don't wanna hurt us. I heard them saying they're just looking for food.
I smile.
-Real food is down in the kitchen! This is the main floor. There's no food anywhere! They want to eat us!
At the last sentence I get very scared. Now I understand the big knives covered in blood. They eat other people! Ewwwww!
-Now come on before they smell us! This way.
Wendie points her finger in the dark vent. She turns on her flashlight. I see spider webs everywhere. Also blood...
-When we arrive to a new safe place, I'm gonna give you food I found in the kitchen.
Wendie sees fear in my eyes.
-Real food don't worry. Now come, Molly!
She smiles and we continue crawling in the dark vent.

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