Chapter Five

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Adam lay on the top of his bed covers stretched out and relaxed.  Cathi had gone home after the events of the afternoon.  She had missed out on meeting Jerome; he was at the neighbours for the night having a sleep over with his best friend from school. 

George had not emerged from his office the entire day.  Not even when Millie had called everyone for dinner.  Adam sat with his Mother and Oliver and they had eaten in silence.

Minutes into their dinner, Oliver had broken the silence and asked Adam a question.  “So did you go do it then?”

Adam blushed and Millie nearly choked.

 “Oliver that is not a conversation I would like to be taking part of.  Save it for later.”  She snapped.

 “No.”  Adam replied and Millie visibly relaxed.

Oliver had seemed disappointed.

Adam chuckled to himself and was still staring at the ceiling when his bedroom door opened.

 “Can I talk to you?”

Adam lifted his head.  “Sure Dad, come on in.”

George entered the room and closed the door softly behind him.

 “What’s up?”  Adam asked, lying on the bed and not looking at his father.

His father sighed deeply.  “Please don’t play innocent with me.  I know what you know.”

Adam sat up and looked at his father.  “I think the question should be; how much do you think I know?”

George faltered slightly.  He shuffled on his feet.  “Well, yes, how much do you know?”

 “Does it really matter?”  Adam asked.

 “Yes.  I want to know.”

Adam sighed.  “I know where you drink.  I know where you and Mum met.  I know what happened that night Mum took Cathi to the hospital.”  Adam said.  “I also know you took Olly there last night.”

George Blinked in shock. “How?”

 “I was there too.  Cathi wanted to show me what she did.”

 “How did you really meet?”

 “At the sandwich shop.” Adam said.  “I’m being honest Dad.”

George moved to the bed and stood next to the bed.  He looked down at Adam.  “I am sorry for what happened that night.  it was all my fault.  Your mother and I had been fighting.  Not that it’s an excuse for what I did.” George’s eyes filled with tears.  “I was not myself.  I’d had too much to drink; I lost control and took it out on her.  When your mother found me I was delirious.”  He sat next to Adam on the bed, tears ran down his cheeks.  “I spent the week in jail until Cathi decided not to press charges.  Your mother told you kids I was away on business for the week.”

Adam remembered that.  “You were meant to come to my football game.”

George nodded.  “I was so ashamed with myself.”

 “I would be too.”  Adam replied bitterly.

George wiped his face and looked sadly at his son.  “Is she, Cathi, is Cathi alright?”


 “Are you two, you know, together as a couple now?”

Adam laughed.  “No Dad, we’re just friends at this stage.”

George nodded.  “She’s a nice girl.”

Adam agreed.  “She sure is, I really like her.”

Book of Adam - (Second Book in Broken Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now