Chapter Six

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After the initial shock, Blake went to pick up Georgia.  Adam headed back upstairs to brush his teeth and check his hair.  He looked at his watch and saw he still had half an hour to get to the duck pond.  He knew Blake would have his car, but didn’t want to have to rely on his friend for a ride so he went in search of his parents.  Either one would do.  He checked the living room, kitchen, both bathrooms and the laundry.  The last place was his fathers’ office.  He stopped outside the door and without knocking he opened it.

 “Dad, can I…?” Adam started, then stopped and screamed.  His parents were in a very compromising position on his fathers’ high backed office chair.  “God, I am sorry.”  He said after covering his face with his hands.

He heard his father’s laughter and his mother saying something quietly.

George chuckled.  “What is it Adam?”

 “Um, shit, can I borrow a car?”  His voice sounded muffled through his hands.

 “Take which ever you want.”  His mother replied off handed.

 “Thanks, and God, I’m really sorry.  I’m pretty sure I’m going to be scarred for life.”  He said and keeping his eyes tightly closed he closed the office door to the sound of his parent’s laughter.  “Oh my God.”  He said and sighed heavily as Oliver came towards him from the kitchen.

 “What’s up?”  He asked.  “Is Dad in there?”  Oliver reached for the door knob.

Adam grabbed his hand to stop him.  “Don’t do it, if you value your sight you will not open that door.”

 “What on earth are you on about?”

 “I will never repeat what I just saw.”  Adam shivered in disgust.

Olive stared at his brother.

They heard laughter from the office.

 “I’m going to go vomit.”  Adam muttered and walked towards the kitchen.

It took Oliver a few moments to put the pieces together and Adam knew the moment it dawned on him.

 “Oh, that is disgusting!”  He yelled at the top of his lungs.

Both brothers heard their father laughing and they both felt ill to their stomachs.

 “Gosh guys, at least save it for bed time, when everyone else is sleeping!”  Oliver sounded pained.

Adam laughed at Olly and went to the kitchen to get the keys to his father’s truck.  He initially thought to take the car but the truck was pretty cool and he felt older in the truck.  It might impress Cathi.  He took the keys off the hook and went out the back door to the garage.

Adam parked the truck and looked for Blake’s car.

 “Not here.”  He said to himself and hopped out.  After making sure all the doors were locked, he followed the path to his meeting place only to find Cathi there, and half a bag of bread fed to the ducks already.

 “Hi.”  She smiled at him as he approached.

 “Good afternoon, you look very nice today.”  He said, admiring her loose skirt that swirled around her legs as she moved.  Her shirt was fitting and undone enough that he could see the swell of her breast.

 “Thank you.”  She replied and threw the piece of bread in her hand to the ducks.  “You look nice too.  I’m pleased you kept your hair the same.

Adam grinned.  “Not a problem, anything to please you.”  Adam noticed she suddenly sucked in a breath.  “Everything okay?”  He asked, mistaking it for nervousness.

Book of Adam - (Second Book in Broken Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now