Chapter Four: A Surprise Visit

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The low lighting of the room made the atmosphere that much more pleasant. I was currently sitting at the corner table in the very back of the room with a few of my other friends that had come along. Though the others had gone off dancing all except for Janelle, Lily, Chad and I. Janelle, of course, was being very mopey because Chad had come here with his current girlfriend Lily rather than with her. Despite the fact that Chad and Janelle had broken up a very long time ago and it was causing some tension before Janelle finally ran out of the room very dramatically. Chad sighed and threw his hands up in the air.

   "I don't know what to do, I'm not going to sit here and tell her I love her like she likes to assume I still do. I'm with Lily now and it's been months since we've broken up, can't she get over it?" Chad looked at Lily and me.

   "I don't know Chad. She likes to say that you know she wants to hurt Lily for taking you away from her and she still says that you love her and all of that." I responded back slowly, as if walking on eggshells.

   "I can't take this anymore. She continues to do this after I've told her to stop... And now she's doing it on prom night too? When it's supposed to be about having fun and not about her?" He went to get up but Lily tugged him back down instead and began talking to him.

   "I know that this was supposed to be yours and her tonight together, so why don't you go get some pictures done with her or dance with her or do something to make her happy? No one should be this upset on their night of prom. I've got at least another year of this while she only has this one. So try and make it enjoyable for her okay?" Lily spoke briefly, smiling the whole time as she spoke.

   "Alright, if it'll make you happy... I'll do it." Chad responded back, not being able to say no to her. With that he got up and went off to search for Janelle.

   "I really truly believe that no one should be this upset on their night of prom. I want her to be able to enjoy this night." Lily said, turning to me. "I don't believe I got your name though."

   "It's Bonnie." I smiled before asking. "Want to dance while Chad is off doing whatever he's doing?"

   "Yes!" She smiled excitedly, taking hold of my hand and literally dragging me out onto the dance floor. I had a hard time keeping up mainly because of the heels I was wearing. They were cute on the shoe rack but not very comfortable to walk in.

   We had fun on the dancefloor just me and her, when we got tired enough, we took a break and sat back at the table with Chad and Janelle eventually joining us again. Chad sitting directly beside Lily and Janelle sitting in between Chad and I. Janelle seemed less hostile towards Lily and Chad seemed much calmer now. Lily smiled and then looked over at all of us.

   "Let's go dance." She said once we had caught our breath, and the three of us were off. Janelle had opted to stay behind but she was eventually dragged out onto the dance floor by Lily and I. After a few more upbeat songs came on, a slow song came on and seeing as I didn't have anyone to dance with, I went to walk off the floor. A moment later a hand grabbed my wrist and gently tugged me against them. Blinking in surprise I looked up only to see Brian with a smile on his face.

   "Brian?" I questioned as he began to lead the two of us through the slow song.

   "Well I have to say, I'm not very good at this... I hope you don't mind." He smiled, causing me to smile in response.

   "I don't mind at all, I'm not very good myself." I responded back, before the smile faded. I had barely talked to him at all this year and he seemed so much more distant whenever I would talk to him which made me worry. "Brian, what's going on? You seem less like yourself these past few months."

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