Chapter Nine: A Dark Room

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Author Note: There is cursing in this chapter, just wanted to give you guys a heads up
*Bonnie's P.O.V*

I struggled to open my eyes, it felt as if they had been glued shut. I blinked a few times once I had regained my vision and looked around at my environment, finding that I wasn't in my apartment and that I was somewhere else. My mind felt hazy as I tried to remember what had happened, the last thing that I remember happening was that I had threatened to call the police on Greg. After that I had called Brian to tell him of the incident, to which he suggested that I call a relative or somebody to stay the night with me just in case. I assured him that I would be okay but then...

    'But then what?' I thought as I went to stand up but found that I couldn't. I looked down at my hands to see that they were tied to a chair by my wrists. I struggled before trying to scream, only realizing that the sound was muffled because whoever had kidnapped me tied a cloth around my mouth. I began to panic as the memories came flooding in only from hours earlier.

    I was laying in bed about to fall asleep. Link kept pacing around the room and meowing loudly at me, I sighed and called him over to me. He hopped up onto my bed but kept staring at the front door as if something or someone was about to come through it at any moment. I heard quiet footsteps echoing from outside but thought nothing of it. I closed my eyes and drifted into a light sleep momentarily before I heard the door handle jiggle from the front door, I snapped wide awake and began to panic. Grabbing the bat that I kept with me from underneath my bed I prepared myself.

The door groaned under the pressure that had been slamming against it repeatedly until finally the lock on it broke. The person was wearing a black mask and was fairly tall, I grabbed my phone, without thinking I sent a quick text to Brian and Chris that only said 'help' and then tried to call the police. The robber came barreling towards me and as I raised my bat to hit him, he tackled me to the ground. I fought and struggled to get free but only managed to make it worse. I was pinned under him, fearing the worst was about to come as pulled out a rag and held it over my face. For whatever reason I had tucked my phone into the pocket of my pajamas.

Link had began to hiss and growl as he tried to attack the attacker, but he merely swatted Link away in one swift movement.

'Chloroform...' Was my last thought as everything went dark.

I glanced down at the restraints once more, noting in my mind that they were made of leather. Movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention and I turned my gaze to focus on it, a figure lurked within the shadows of the room, watching me. I struggled and had even attempted to remove the cloth from my mouth, to my dismay, didn't work. The figure let out a low chuckle and emerged from the shadows, revealing himself.

I growled lowly as he approached me, beginning to struggle even more but eventually gave up since it was doing me no good. He had stopped a few inches and tugged the cloth around my mouth down so it hung around my neck now. The light bulb that dangled overhead flickered a few times, making the atmosphere darker.

"See what you made me do?... We could've avoided this if you would've simply allowed me to speak with you... But no... Of course not... Because it's always about you isn't it?" He spoke lowly, venom lacing each word as if he were a snake.

"I didn't make you do anything. You did this yourself... Just wait until they realize I'm missing..." I spat out, growling under my breath.

"Who? Brian is a few states away and I don't think Chris could take me on by himself. You have no one Bonnie." He sighed, idly picking at dirt underneath his fingernails as if I wasn't worth all the trouble he had gone through.

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