Chapter Eight: A Different Perspective

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Author's Note: Sorry about the late update! School has been a pain but here it is! It's a shorter chapter though


*Unknown P.O.V*

The cold from the outside greeted me as I walked out of the coffee shop. I smiled to myself in victory as I looked down at my phone, the girl in the picture smiled back up at me. Gripping tighter onto my cup of coffee I climbed back into my car and started it up, warm air blasted out of the vents and began to defrost the windshields. Once I could see clearly enough, I drove to my destination, the vet clinic. But not just any vet clinic, the one that she had just started to work at.

Once I arrived at my destination I parked my car across the street from the office, I knew she wouldn't be there for another few minutes yet but I didn't want to miss seeing her this early in the morning. She was beautiful and always had been, up until stress started to eat away at her very core. But that was partially my fault, I had known that I was the main reason for her stress and enjoyed every second of it. Seeing her stressed and destroying herself over me made me feel like the most powerful person in the universe.

The minutes ticked by and soon enough I had heard the dull rumble of her truck's engine. I looked out the window to my right and into the parking lot for the office. Sure enough that blue truck was parked there and I could see her inside. The thought of seeing her again brought back memories that I remembered very vividly as I watched her climb out of her truck. Her long brunette hair was tied up in a ponytail even though it looked better down, her cheeks were tinted a rosy color from the cold. I smiled and watched her walk inside the building, letting the memories play out inside my head like a movie in a theater.

    "That's not fair and you know it isn't! You can't sit there and start accusing me of not being a good friend when I'm trying my best here!" Bonnie screamed at me, tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks at any moment. Her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to calm herself down.

    "I sit there and listen to you bitch and moan about your family all the goddamn time and all you can do is say I'm a horrible friend because I can't go back to being my fucking peachy self the day after a fight?" She finished, she had balled her hands up into fists. A pulse ran through my body which caused me to smirk on the inside as I remained neutral on the outside.

I loved toying with her mind, somewhere deep down I knew I was wrong but I didn't want to admit it. Many of our friends had told her that I was mentally abusing her, but I didn't see it at the time of course. I was always right, no matter what had happened, I was always right.

    There was never any apologies from me even if I was wrong and had it pointed out to me by our mutual friend Kat. I waited a few seconds before responding, staring down at her smaller form as she began to shake uncontrollably in front of me. Something that only happens when her emotions get heightened, I mean her hands had a slight tremble to them all the time but it was times like these that made it worse.

"Yeah well I try to make it up the day after we get into a fight by actually talking to you and you just stand there and brush me off like I'm nothing." I replied easily before turning and slamming the classroom door behind me. I heard her sniffle through the door and walked to my seat. I set my bag down and got ready for class, the time seemed to tick by slowly but with each passing second I replayed the earlier argument.

The roar of the truck engine pulled me back out of the memories that had been playing through my mind. I double checked to make sure it was her truck that I heard before I started my car up as well. I watched as she pulled out of the parking lot before I began to follow her in my own car. The drive to her house, well more like apartment, wasn't too far from the office she worked at. I spotted an empty parking space a fair amount of distance away from the building and pulled into it. I parked my car and waited a few moments, watching her get out of her truck before I got out of my own car and began to follow after her.

I had successfully followed her up to her apartment without her noticing, then again she never really paid any attention to her surroundings. A grin slipped onto my features as she fumbled around for her keys. Without a second thought, I placed my hand on her shoulder which caused her to jump.

"Jesus Brian you really need to...-" She paused when she had figured out it wasn't Brian. Her features changed to that of a deer caught in headlights and she had begun to shake as she stood there staring at me.

"You..." She managed to say with a tremble to her voice. It wasn't hard to figure out that she was terrified of me. An overwhelming feeling of power surged through me and it caused me to smile.

"Yes. It's me again." I replied in a matter-of-fact tone. She clenched the keys in her hand tighter, her knuckles beginning to turn white as she took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

Before I could manage to say anything else, the door had slammed shut and she had disappeared within the confines of her home. Anger began to boil inside of me as I began to knock on her door loudly.

"Go away before I call the police!" I heard her shout from beyond the closed door. I became enraged, way beyond angry. But because I couldn't do anything about it, I left the building and headed back to my car. I unlocked it and climbed into the driver's seat, waiting an extra few minutes for the car to heat up. I pulled out of the driveway and began the fairly long journey back to my own home.

    "Soon." I thought to myself as I drove along the fairly empty roads.

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