the wedding day

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Mark and Jack woke up the next morning and got ready for the wedding. They where both pumped for it. Now they could start a family.

*getting ready*

Mark was getting ready in one room and Jack was getting ready in the other room.

Mark's POV:
I can't believe it's actually happening im getting married to the love of my life. And also its the one and only jacksepticeye too. In just a few hours jack will legally be called
Seán William McLoughlin Fischbach.
God i could never get tired of hearing that name. I love him and i always actually have been ever since he first started yourube. That's when i though oh my he's the one i want.

*wedding time baby*

Jack's POV:
Its happening im walking up to my love of my life. Right her,right now. Damn he looks hot.he's mine all mine. I love him. Oh my look at Ian and Anthony and joey and Daniel and Felix and Matzia and Miranda. Oh god she looks mad. Oh well its my life not hers.

Priest:" hello gentleman" he said.
Mark and jack held hands as the priest talked.
Priest:"we are gathered here todayto celebrate these fine gentleman's marriage. Seán William McLoughlin do you take Mark Edward Fischbach to be your husband to have and to hold and in sickness and in health?"
Jack:"i do"
Priest:" and do you Mark Edward Fischbach take Seán William McLoughlin he be your husband to have and to hold and in sickness and in health?"
Mark:"i do"
Priest:"you may kiss the groom"

And so they did after a year they adopted two kids a girl named Sammy and a boy named Tim. And they all lived happily ever after.... or did they.

                          the end

Thanks for reading hope you all enjoyed the book go follow
BabyHamster123 and Alyssa7548 stay awesome bai)

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