September 12, 2016

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I went to sleep at 12:30 this morning and woke up at 5:30. Got ready for school and gave up on my hair again. At lunch my best friend in the entire world abandoned me for her boyfriend. (😂what an artichoke😂) With the help of my best friend I came out to her other best friend. Later on during recess I gave jumper cables to my fren Kaitlin and she hit me with her lunch box on my side. Her ice pack hit my side and now I have a nice bruise. I told her if I get a bruise she is getting sued. 😂 I played sims and made me and my friends ship real. As always I check my Instagram to see if anything happened in the group chat. Then I saw someone came out on gender an there parents were accepting and here I am all depressed because my parents don't understand. I really wish they would just call me Daniel and he/him but no I have to go to a psychologist first. Then the tears start falling down and I grab my ear buds. I wish I was born right so I don't have to go through this all this horrible stuff. I feel like giving up and going back to being a girl just to please everyone. I have to look a certain way to pass and I don't pass ever. My parents don't love ME they love her. Goodnight. 😞😞
*ask me questions I'll answer in another chapter!!*

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