Chapter 1

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I was standing outside of the Bureau staring at the bright blue-sky blood was dripping down my face and seeping through my shirt where I got slashed bad the team wanted to get me treatment in the infirmary, but I refused since I wasn't critically injured. "Alright where's Shelbie we need to get her treated right away!" My eyes went wide silently gulping I quietly tip-toed away from the building quietly as not to attract any attention."Maybe we should call her phone?"As a beat of sweat came rolling down my face, I quickly pulled my phone out realizing that my phone was on silent a smile appeared on my lips putting my phone back in my pocket walking away from the building, but little did I know that I accidentally turned up my phone volume. "Alright call her right now!" Jack nodded dialing my number while the rest of the team listened for the sound of my ring tone as I was stretching out my sore body when I heard something ringing quickly looking around, I was trying to figure out where that sound was coming. "The sound is coming from outside!" Quickly reaching into my pocket I pulled out my phone mentally slapping myself putting my phone back in my pocket I had to get away from here. "Alright listen up we'll split into teams and search around the area block every corner bring her back safely but if she tries to escape handcuff her, we don't want to see her hurt herself."

My eyes went wide when Chief Ripley said that which scared me even more quietly making my way down the road but before I could move my phone started going off again growing, I pulled the phone out but not before hearing footsteps coming this way putting my phone back in my pocket, I started running towards town not wanting to get caught at all. "Shelbie please come back we just want to help you!" I didn't listen I just kept on running once in town I skidded to a stop breathing heavily I dropped to my knees hoping to catch my breath. "Excuse me Ma'am are you alright?" Slowly looking up I saw a young girl kneeling down in front of me a worried look in her eyes. "Y-Yeah. I-I'm alright just out of breath...."I watched as she reached into her backpack, she pulled out a bottle of water handing it over to me." Here you go!" Reaching over I took a hold of the bottle of water. "Thank you." Smiling she waved bye as she heads on home opening the bottled water, I took a long drink. (Much better.) But it seems that the blood loss only made me weaker. (I better find a place to rest.) But before that could happen, I heard the sound of footsteps coming this way followed by somebody yelling my name. "Shelbie there you are!" Quickly looking around I saw that the team finally caught up with me. "I started backing away slowly looking for a way out, but it was impossible. "There's nowhere else to run if you try to escape, we will have no other choice but to put you in handcuffs."

I kept on backing away until my back was against the wall at this rate my heart was beating faster and faster. "It's time to go back." I shook my head looking for a way out and just as luck had it there was a ladder right next to me taking a chance, I started climbing the ladder the team started running towards me grabbing my legs and ankles quickly pulling me down making me hit my head on the concrete sidewalk feeling my vision becoming blurry. "You need to stay awake for us alright?" I shook my head as they placed handcuffs on me. "We need to hurry she's losing to much blood." I was lifted up with a sheet being rushed back to the Bureau but before losing conscious I felt a hand on my arm. "We're almost there." I slowly nodded falling into a very deep sleep.

A few hours later I slowly started to wake up my head was pounding badly slowly looking down my eyes went wide when I realized that I didn't have a shirt only there was gauze wrapped around my right shoulder and upper body. (W-what happened where am I?) As I tried to sit up, I felt something metal chained around my wrists looking over I saw that I was handcuffed to the bed. "W-What's going on why am I handcuffed to the bed?!" Struggling to get free but no luck hearing the door slowly open I quickly looked up to see Marina standing in the doorway looking at me with a mixture of worry and sadness in her eyes. "Marina what's going on why am I handcuffed to the bed?!" She didn't respond all she did was close the door behind her.

I watched as she walked towards the bed once she was close enough what she did next really surprised me as she slowly leaned up pressing her lips to my forehead a small blush appeared over both of our cheeks after a few seconds she slowly pulls away looking me straight in the eyes. "The team wants to see you." I looked away. "Their worried about you while you were asleep.... Why didn't you tell us that you were running yourself ragged for a week and not tell us about it huh?!"My eyes went wide quickly looking back at Marina. "How did you know?!"

She reached into her pocket pulling out my phone." There was a video on their showing that you were training but you didn't quit in fact you kept pushing yourself until your body couldn't handle it anymore just answer me this why did you do this to yourself?!"Before I knew it, I felt tears pouring down my face gripping the sheets tightly. "I did it so when I faced El Rey, I would be able to protect you guys since I wasn't able to protect Michelle from getting killed it should have been me instead of her damn it!" I started pulling on the handcuffs trying to break free but all it did was make it worse Marina could only watch as I struggled to get free after a few minutes I finally quit struggling Marina walked over helped me lay back down kissing my forehead before leaving.

As she was walking down the hall a sudden thought came to her mind when Chief Ripley said bring her back safely but if she tries to escape handcuff her, we don't want to see her hurt herself that gave Marina an idea quickly rushing off to the meeting room a few hours later I woke up still handcuffed to the bed. (Of Course...still handcuffed...what else is new...) Sighing it was no use a few minutes later I heard footsteps coming this way turning my head to the side. "Shelbie please look at me." Slowly turning my head, I saw that Grace was standing beside the bed. "I watched as she unlocked the handcuffs helping me sit up. "Do you want anything to drink?" I shook my head looking down in my lap Grace leaned in placing a kiss on my temple a small blush appeared on my cheeks as she left the room to get something rubbing my face hoping I can get better soon but one question still runs through my mind. (Will I be able to stop El Rey and bring back the peace we once had?)

-Hey everybody what's up here is the first chapter I made this a very long anyways I hope that you enjoy reading this part I have a lot more chapters coming this way my question to you awesome readers what you guys and gals would like to see next and also what couples you would like to see I'll see you guys in the next chapter bye! - 

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