Chapter 14

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It's been 2 months since Grace became pregnant with my child during those two months I've been working extremely hard keeping Grace happy no matter what right now I was busy painting the baby's room robin's egg blue along with some puffy white clouds wiping the sweat off my forehead tossing the paint brush back into the bucket pulling off my shirt tossing it to the side."Finally Finished that only took a couple of hours."Grabbing the paint buckets I made my way towards the backyard after putting the paint away I headed back inside the house plopping down on the couch feeling something light and fluffy bounce on my stomach smiling I picked up Sparky placing him on my chest."Wanna take a nap with me?"Before I knew it Sparky was fast asleep on my chest chuckling I slowly fell asleep with a smile on my face a few hours later Grace returned home along with the rest of the team."That was a really fun shopping trip today to bad Shelbie couldn't join us."Grace nodded smiling sadly but before she could respond she heard whimpering followed by yawning  turning around she saw the most cutest thing in the entire world I was laying on the couch with Sparky laying on top of me kicking his little legs."Awe that's so cute!"Everyone nodded Grace then suddenly had an idea she quickly went upstairs the team watched confused but once she came back down wearing a school-girl uniform her hair tied up in a small ponytail."I have an idea but I'm gonna need your help."

The team quickly gathered around hearing Grace's plan after a few moments the team had a huge smile across their faces except for the Sanjay and the triplets who just looked confused and Elliot who just had an irritated look."Alright you five stay here when Shelbie wakes up while the rest of us head down to the school alright?"They nodded as the others left putting the plan into action a few minutes later I woke up yawning I carefully picked up Sparky setting him down beside stretching out my stiff muscles looking around the room I saw that Sanjay,Elliot and the triplets sitting in front of the TV watching a movie."Enjoying the movie guys?"They all nodded as I  got up from the couch heading upstairs to get cleaned up."Where did everyone else go?"The others looked at each other before Elliot responded."They had some important things to finish up for the wedding."I nodded coming back downstairs wearing a sleeveless red shirt and baggy camo pants with worn out sneakers."Why don't we all go out to lunch does pizza sound good?" Sanjay and the Triplets cheered while Elliot smiled I picked up Sparky handing him to Sanjay as the seven of us headed out to lunch while at the school the Bureau were getting things ready."I can't wait to see the look on Shelbie's face when she see's us like this."The team finished getting everything they headed into one of the classrooms to take a break all the students and teachers were on it a couple of hours later we left the pizza shop heading to the park to play but before we could my phone started going off reaching into my pocket I looked at the screen to see who was calling me it was the local High School."Hello Senior Trooper Shelbie Speaking."

While I had my back turned Elliot and the others were waiting for their next task after hanging up I turned to look at the others who were already in the truck.(That was fast.)Rushing over towards the truck I quickly got in starting up the truck before driving off towards the school a few minutes later we pulled up to the school getting out we made our way into the school."Hello there you must be Senior Trooper Shelbie it's very nice to meet you."I smiling while the others stood behind me with smiles on their faces."While I was talking to the principal Elliot texted Grace telling her that they were here once Grace got the text the team got into position pretending to be students."If you like feel free to look around the school if you have any questions feel free to ask me."I nodded as the principal left turning around I saw that Sanjay Elliot the triplets and Sparky were already upstairs."Come on Shelbie!"I couldn't help but smile running after them."Alright I'm coming!"We decided to walk around the school checking out the classrooms and everything meeting many fans after a bit we finally arrived at the last classroom ."Alright let's check out this classroom."Everyone else nodded as I opened the door stepping in. "Hey sorry to interrupted your class but I wanted to introduce myself my name is Senior Trooper Shelbie and....oh wow...."My cheeks turned dark red when I saw Grace wearing a school uniform I won't denied it she looked amazing and everyone else did too."Surprised aren't you baby?"I nodded looking away blushing even worse."Your still cute when you blush."I covered my face with my hands everyone started chuckling as Grace wrapped her arms around my waist laying her head on my chest."I love you so much Shelbie."

I couldn't help but smile wrapping my arms around Grace pulling her close to me."I love you too Grace more then words can describe."The entire classroom awed as Grace pulled me into a kiss pulling back I laid my head on her shoulder."That was the best surprise ever."After talking to the class we decided to head on home we said goodbye to the others as we arrived home Grace quickly ran upstairs to take a shower while I sat down on the couch turning on the TV while Sparky jumped up on the couch laying down next to me falling asleep instantly a few minutes later Grace came downstairs wearing one of my shirts she stood behind the couch wrapping her arms around me kissing the side of my head."Thank you for sticking with me I couldn't have done it without you."I turned around pulling Grace into a hug holding her close to me."I would travel the world in a heartbeat to be where you are."

-Hey Everybody what's up chapter 14 is finally up sorry it took so long to finish it I was finishing up the last case of World Edition which is sad I'll miss everyone there even though the story ends a new one begins that's right this Thursday season 4 of Criminal Case:Mysteries of the past comes out which I'm really excited about I actually wanna do a video on the new season of Criminal Case for my YouTube Channel anyways I'll see everybody in the next chapter bye!-

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