Chapter 15

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As the months went by Grace's baby bump began to show more and more each day which made me even more protective of her and our baby although Grace didn't like the thought of me going out to train after the incident a few months back don't get me wrong I love Grace with my heart and soul but I'll do anything I can to make sure that this doesn't happen again."I don't want you to go Shelbie!"I turned back around wrapping my arms around her."Baby please don't do this it's for the best I don't want something like this to happen again."She shook her head holding onto me for dear life."Please don't go..."I held her closer to me letting a few tears slip down my own face."Please don't cry baby please for me?"She shook her head crying some more then an idea suddenly popped into my head."How about this I'll call you and text you every single day then before you know it I'll be home."She looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers."Promise me that you'll be home before the baby is born."I nodded smiling."I promise to be home before the baby is born."A small smile appeared over her lips wiping her eyes."Please be careful out there."I nodded kissing her deeply before heading out the door looking back I saw Grace standing in the doorway more tears pouring down her beautiful face smiling one last time I got into the truck with the others looking out the window I felt tears pouring down my own face my dad reached over placing a hand on my shoulder."Don't worry sis you'll see her again when the time comes."I nodded wiping my eyes as the truck started driving away the sooner as I get this done the sooner I can return to Grace safe and sound while staring out the window I felt my phone vibrate reaching into my pocket I saw that it was a text message from Grace I quickly opened the message and saw a picture of her in a bikini and the text under it read I can't wait for you to come home before I could save the picture Jeff snatched the phone out of my hand."Give it back Jeff!"He shook his head after a few seconds he finally handed me the phone back."What did you do?"

He held up a picture of me and Grace at the beach holding hands."That's awesome how did you do that?"He scratched the back of his head."Just luck I guess.."I couldn't help but smile as we pulled up to the house."Alright listen up after what happened months ago it's time to brush up on our training to develop some brand new skills and to become stronger understood?"We all nodded gripping my phone tightly no matter what I'll be home in no time Grace was standing in the kitchen washing dishes she was still upset that I was gone more tears started pouring down her face.(I wish you were here with me Shelbie...)finishing up the dishes she made her way into the living room where Sparky was laying at.(I can't wait for the day you come home so I can hold you in my arms again.)A few hours later after a long day of training the four of us were sitting in the living room laughing our asses off because our dad blew up the kitchen once again."Oh shit that was funny!"We nodded wiping the tears from our eyes."Mom will be pissed when she gets home!"Dad came out of the kitchen covered in smoke." the least the kitchen didn't catch on fire again..."We nodded helping dad clean up the kitchen."By the way where's mom and Grandma at?"Dad turned off the sink drying his hands off."Who knows I bet you ten to one that there out shopping again."We headed upstairs to bed after taking a shower and changing into my tank top and baggy shorts.(What a day but at least hearing Grace's voice will calm me down.)Grabbing my phone I quickly dialing Grace's cell number I held it up to my ear hearing it ring a few times before it went to voicemail."Hey baby girl it's me I wanted to tell you that I love and miss you so much that I can't stand to be away from you I'll talk to you tomorrow I love you baby girl Good Night."After hanging up I quickly turned off the light pulling the covers over me as I felt my eyes getting heavy a single name slipped past my lips which made me smile."Grace....I love you...."

With that said I fell into a very deep sleep but that didn't last long before I knew it my dad and the others burst right into my room."Shelbie we've got trouble heading this way get dressed and meet us outside!"I nodded quickly pulling on a black sleeveless shirt  baggy camo pants and my shoes grabbing my sword I quickly made my way outside and what I saw next made the blood drain from my face standing in front of us and  by the looks of it his face and body are covered in strange marks."D-Dad...who is he?"A growl left our dad's lips as he started transforming right in front of us."Get ready I faced this guy before he doesn't hold back any punches!"We nodded as dad ran towards the mysterious person at full force.(Whoa...I've never seen dad this mad before we better be careful around this guy!)But as luck would have it the mysterious person had a smirk on his face as if he was planning something but before we could warn dad it was to late the mysterious person pulled out what looked like a mirror like the one used before but this time the mirror was used for something else before we knew it the mirror started glowing a bright white.(W-what's going on...)Looking up I saw that the mysterious person had a soft smile across his features."Please don't be afraid of me Senior Trooper Shelbie I'm here to thank you for arresting El Rey and putting an end to SOMBRA once and for all...after all I've seen it..."At first I didn't know what he meant at first but then he showed me the mirror taking a closer look I saw everything from the day I was born up until now."That's amazing...but I don't even know you.." He reached over placing his hand on top of mine."Don't worry about that I just wanted to say thank you and I hope that you have an amazing life."I nodded smiling wiping the tears away as the light suddenly disappeared looking around I saw that I was back in my room it was still dark outside.(That was some dream.....but still I wonder who that guy was...)Shaking the thought out of my head I turned off the light once more before going back to sleep.

-Hey everybody Chapter 15 is finally up sorry it took so long I've been busy with other things sleeping in all day playing Criminal Case anyways I'm thinking about making this book a series let me know if you guys would like that or not in the next chapter Shelbie and the others are finally finishing up their training and are ready for the final step do they have what it takes stay tuned alright it's late so I'm going to bed Good Night Everyone and I'll see everyone in the next chapter bye!- 

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