Chapter 13

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After getting dressed I rushed outside to the backyard where Jake was setting up the ladder."So Shelbie are you ready to be defeated by the master of martial arts?"I rolled my eyes getting into position."In your dreams let's go."We ran full force at each other throwing punches."You have gotten better...but you still have a long way to go!"Before I could respond he appeared behind me trying to strike my pressure point smirking I quickly grabbed his hand tossing him over my shoulder a smile appeared over his lips.(Amazing...She's been training I'm so proud of her....)I appeared behind."By the looks of it you haven't skipped out on your training."I nodded smiling stretching out my stiff muscles."Hehe that's right I've been training hoping to get stronger...but when I discovered that I had another side of scared me...but during my fight against El Rey...."Before I could finish talking Jack pulled me into a hug wrapping his arms around me."I understand what your saying fact your dad went through the same thing when he was your age."I slightly pulled away from Jack looking at him confused."Dad had that problem too?"He nodded smiling."Yes indeed but that didn't stop him from becoming the person he is now don't give up keep on trying then one day you'll achieve your goal."I nodded smiling he was absolutely right I didn't give up when I became a police officer and look where I am now."Your right on that one."Jake smiled at me before picking up a rock."What are you gonna do with the rock?"Before he could answer my question there was a loud smash followed by yelling quickly looking over I saw that Jake really did throw the rock through the window."Uh...Shelbie....What did I just do?...."

Before I could answer there was some footsteps rushing towards the window."JACK DID YOU THROW THE ROCK THROUGH THE WINDOW AGAIN!?"Jack slowly shook his head trying his best not to laughing but that quickly went out the window when he fell to the ground laughing if there was one thing that I knew is that you NEVER tick off Alice or else you'll find yourself clean-ing the entire house on your hands and knees a lot of people thought that would be to easy but wait until they see the inside of the house then they won't be laughing."Shelbie what's going on out there?"A small blush appeared over my cheeks as I slowly looked up seeing that Grace was leaning on the window sill looking down at me with her eyebrow raised."N-Nothing baby we're just sitting out here talking about the old times."At this point my face was completely drenched in sweat."Alright then...Just making sure..."Sighing in relief I pulled off my hat wiping the sweat off my forehead."Oh Shelbie would you do me a favor?"I nodded looking up at Grace."Can you run home real quick on the counter there's a list of things that needs to get before tomorrow night."I nodded heading inside pulling on my shoes."I'll be back in a couple of hours."Before heading out the door I heard Grace call my name."I love you Shelbie!"I couldn't help but smile.   "I love you too Grace!"It was gonna be a long pregnancy but no matter what I'll stand beside her."Shelbie wait for me!"Before getting in the car Jake came rushing out of the house with a scared look on his face."I'm coming with you Shelbie!"Hearing loud footsteps coming this way quickly getting in the car I started up the engine before driving off."Now I know ever to tick off Grace ever."

As we were pulling into the driveway of the house I put the car in park quickly getting out I made my way into the kitchen I grabbed the list off the counter I locked the front door I got back in the car pulling the list out of my pocket."Alright let's see what we need to get."After looking over the list I nodded putting it back in my pocket before pulling out of the driveway towards the post office after a few hours of running errands we finally arrived back at the Jack's house."Thanks for helping me with the errands today Jack."He nodded smiling getting out of the car we made our way up the stairs."We still have our fight to finish."I nodded opening the door and what we saw next almost made us pass out from a huge nosebleed standing in the hall was Grace she was wearing a beautiful pink kimono with red flowers on it her she was also wearing blue eye shadow and red lipstick."How do I look Shelbie?"My throat went dry at the sight she looks extremely beautiful no matter what."You look like the morning sun shining bright."Grace smiled walking towards me wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me into a very passionate kiss after a few minutes we pulled away panting."Alright in honor of your wedding the Bureau got you both something that will stay with you for a lifetime."I looked at them with my eyebrow raised."What are you talking about?Before they could explain there was a loud crash followed by whimpering."I looked over at Grace who just shrugged her shoulders."It better not be a spider or else..."

The team shook their heads as I headed towards the backdoor slowly opening it I peaked around the corner seeing if there was a spider and to my luck there wasn't opening the door all the way looking around the backyard at first I saw nothing then I felt something claw on my leg looking down I saw a pit-bull mix looking up at me with those beautiful brown eyes."Hey there little guy what are you doing out here all alone?"He just kept looking at me with those brown eyes smiling I got down on my knees in front of him holding out my hand to him at first he was nervous but after a few minutes his tail started wagging running straight into my arms."We got him as a wedding present for the two of you."I picked up the puppy carrying him inside the house."Oh my he's so beautiful honey!"I nodded handing the puppy over to Grace who hugged him softly."It's our wedding present from all of us to you."A small smile appeared over my lips as I walked over hugging each one of them."Thank you so much for the pit-bull mix and I have a perfect name for him...Sparky..."Grace smiled leaning up pressing her lips against mine for a second."It's perfect."The team smiled at the sight watching me play with Sparky after a long day of running errands and getting our kimonos fitted right now the family was laying upstairs in bed Grace was laying on my chest fast asleep listening to the sound of my heartbeat while Sparky was laying on my other side sleeping smiling I leaned over kissing Grace on her forehead and leaning over to my other side kissing Sparky on his forehead before closing my eyes falling into a peaceful sleep during that time only one thought came to my mind and that was.(I love my family.)

-Finally Chapter 13 is finally up sorry it took so long I've been tired lately and been busy working on other Criminal Case Stories looks like Shelbie and Grace are getting ready for their special day which will be coming very soon I promise but I have a question to ask all you wonderful readers out there and the question is Since I've done stories on the World Edition would you like to see a story on Pacific Bay and Grimsborough anyways thank you so much for reading and I'll see everyone in the next chapter bye!-

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