Chapter 3

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As we kept on walking Grace started leaning into me laying her head on my shoulder smiling softly, I wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer to me." This is nice isn't its Shelbie?" I nodded looking up at the night sky. "Yeah, it is especially when I'm with you." A small blush appeared over her cheeks as she playfully slapped my arm. "That hurt Grace!" Rolling her eyes, she started chasing me down the sidewalk until we reached her house wrapping my arms around her waist being with her felt amazing, I never wanted it to end but with El Rey still at large I couldn't take any chances knowing that they could strike at any moment. "Shelbie why don't you stay the night with me please? "A small blush appeared over my cheeks. "I can't resist when you do that...alright I'll stay the night. "Hugging me tightly she quickly unlocked her door grabbing my wrist dragging me inside closing and locking the door behind her. "Nice house you got Grace. "When she didn't answer I quickly looked around to see where she went when I heard footsteps coming from upstairs realizing that she was probably taking a bath looking around the place I saw pictures of us back in Grimsborough after a few minutes of looking around I heard a loud thump followed by screaming. "Quickly rushing upstairs, I ran towards the sound of the sound of the screaming which was coming from the Grace's room pulling out my gun I kicked the door and saw that Grace was cornered by some masked men. "Get away from Grace now!" They all turned to look at me laughing. "And what if we don't? "What they did next made me lose control one of the masked men grabbed Grace by the hair lifting her up before leaning in towards her whispering some disgusting to her that she started thrashing around crying her heart out that was the final straw I started feeling this power being released. "But before we go let's finish Senior Trooper Shelbie first."

They started walking over towards me with their knives drawn. " bad this has to end El Rey wanted to face you...oh well GOODBYE SENIOR TROOPER SHELBIE!"As the leader started swinging his knife down, I grabbed the blade breaking it in half they all looked at me surprised slowly lifting my head up the look on their faces told a story of fear. "DON'T YOU EVER LAY A HAND ON HER EVER AGAIN DO YOU HEAR ME?!"Grabbing the leader I started punching him in the face and chest while the others tried to pull me off of him but it was no use as I grabbed all three of them dragging them outside Grace who was still completely shocked quickly pulling on a nightgown rushing over towards the window watching as I started beating the masked men with little trouble at all.(Shelbie...)Quickly grabbing the phone she called Chief Ripley telling her what's happening. "HA-HA-HA WHAT'S WRONG IS THAT ALL YOU CAN DO?!"The masked men were all on the ground beating and battered. "I WILL NOT LOSE TO EL REY I WILL END SOMBRA ONCE AND FOR ALL AFTER WHAT THEY DID TO MICHELLE IS UNFORGIVABLE!!"As I started walking towards them to finish the job, I heard some cars pulling up followed by someone calling my name. "Shelbie stop don't kill them please!" Quickly looking back, I saw that the Bureau was there but once they saw me all they saw in front of them was a monster standing in front of them. "Shelbie what happened to you?!"I just ignored them turning my back to them as I started walking towards the masked men once I was close enough I started reaching down but before I could grab one of them I heard someone scream my name my eyes went wide quickly turning around I saw that Grace was running towards me I started backing away before she knocked me to the ground pinning my hands above my head. "Please Shelbie stop this I don't want to see you like this anymore please come back to me I don't care that you're a monster I love you more than life itself!"

When she said that I felt something warm and wet drip onto my face.(That's right...I was always alone when I was younger nobody wanted to be around me the pain was too much for me to handle as I gotten older I knew what I wanted to do with my life was to work in the police force I never wanted to give up that dream....)Slowly lifting my hand up I placed both of my hands on her cheeks wiping away the tears that she was crying.(I'm not alone anymore.....)Slowly leaning up I gently kissed her.(Grace I love you so much....I don't care about the past anymore....I want you to be my wife someday..)Grace started kissing back wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me closer after we pulled away my eyes returned to normal." I pulled her closer to me. "Grace..."The Bureau watched in relief and happiness that everything returned to normal after talking with them it turns out that in order for me to achieve that goal is to learn to control that power of mine once everyone went home me and Grace were in bed cuddling and sharing a few kisses every then and now. "Please don't scare me like that anymore Shelbie I don't want to lose you ever." I wrapped my arm around her waist kissing her forehead. "You won't lose me." She smiled snuggling closer placing a few kisses across my skin. "That tickles Grace!"       She started laughing kissing me some more before reaching my lips. "Once this is all over, I want to make you, my wife." Grace quickly pulled away with a bright red face covering her mouth   "What did you say?!"Giving her a confused look before realizing what I just said. "I-I don't know what you mean?!"Before she could pin me to the bed, I quickly got up running out the front door blushing brightly. "SHELBIE BRIGGS YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!"

I kept on running on wearing baggy shorts and a sleeveless shirt with no shoes on the only thing that was running through my mind was. (I better keep running because when Grace catches me, I'm going to get a huge beating for this!)

-Chapter 3 is finally up took a bit but it was worth it I wonder what's going to happen to Shelbie when Grace catches her, you'll find out in the next chapter thanks for reading everybody I have other books on my profile you can check out thanks again and I'll see everybody in the next chapter bye! -

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