Chapter 16

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After months of training it was finally over the four of us were standing out side letting the wind blow though our hair our appearances have changed as dad stepped out of the house with a smile on his face."I'm so proud of you four pushing yourselves to the limit and proving to the world that you can do anything if you try."We nodded smiling as dad pulled us into a group hug."That reminds me did mom ever text you?"Dad nodded looking over the messages."She sure did and by the looks of it their gonna throw Grace a baby shower at the High School which gives me an idea."After a few minutes a huge smile appeared on our faces."You are a freaking genius old man!"We all headed upstairs getting dressed in the new clothes that dad got us after coming back down we all headed outside towards the motorcycles ."Well what are we waiting for let's go!"We all nodded smiling getting on the motorcycles.(I'm coming home Grace....I'm coming home...)A smile appeared over my face as we drove off back towards the city."Are you excited about your baby shower today honey?"Grace nodded putting the finishing touch on her make-up."I am I just wish Shelbie was here."My mom came up behind her pulling her into a hug."I know sweetheart believe me Shelbie will be here before you know it we better get going or were gonna be late."Being very careful Grace stood up from the table grabbing her purse as the three of them headed out the door little did Grace know that a surprise was coming her way very soon."Alright listen up I just got another text message from your mom the three of them are heading towards the school now your mom and grandma are gonna keep her busy for a little bit in the meantime is everyone ready?"We nodded smiling pulling up towards the local supermarket."So you finally arrive eh?"Looking over we saw that Jack was standing beside his truck."Sorry about that in the meantime did you bring the kimonos and the swords?"Jack nodded smiling as we watched in confusion."Uh...Dad why are we getting dressed in Kimonos when the wedding isn't until May?"He started chuckling as Jack came back with the kimonos." These kimonos are very different from the wedding ones."

We nodded finally understanding what he meant by that as the five of us quickly changed into the kimonos."While were at it put the masks on so that way the others don't recognize us right away plus it will be fun to see the look on their faces when we reappear stronger then before!" Once we were completely dressed in the kimonos and had the masks on Jack handed us each a sword."Uh...Dad you never told us that the kimonos were sleeveless."He smiled rolling his eyes at us."Don't worry about now we've got a baby shower to get too!"We nodded smiling hopping on the motorcycles once more speeding off with Jack right behind us.(Please don't cry anymore Grace....You're not alone anymore....No matter what they say....I'll always love you my princess.) Looking up ahead I saw that a bunch of cars parked on the streets."I didn't think a lot of people would be attending the baby shower."Jack nodded slowing down at the stop sign."Your a very famous Homicide Detective Shelbie."A small blush appeared over my face."I'll text your mom and tell her that were getting closer."We nodded grinning like idiots this will be the best surprise ever I couldn't wait to see the look on her face while everyone was inside having a good time my mom and grandma were standing out waiting for us to arrive."I can't wait to see the look on her face when she see's Shelbie again."Mom nodded smiling a couple of minutes later we pulled into the school's parking lot."Finally I wonder what took them so long to get here."A small smile appeared over her lips walking over towards us with our grandma right behind her."Give it back Chris!"He shook his head laughing."If you want it then come get it Emma!"Growling she started chasing Chris Jr around the parking lot."Chris give Emma the mask right now."Mumbling he skidded to a complete stop tossing Emma her mask."That was funny."I nodded agreeing with him."Hell yeah it was do it again."

But before he could grab Emma's mask but was stopped by dad."Enough you two let's get going or your mom will kick all our asses."Before we could respond dad let out a loud yelp followed by mumbling."What the hell was that for?!"Quickly turning around we saw that mom had a rock in her hand."Oh...Uh...Hi Honey..."But she wasn't buying it and before you know it mom started chasing dad around the parking lot screaming."I'm sorry I'm sorry!"We all just started laughing but that quickly came to an end when grandma took my hand in hers."I'm glad that your back Shelbie you have no idea how much we missed you....But there's somebody else who missed you so much more."I nodded leaning down placing a kiss on my grandma's cheek."I missed her too more then words can describe grandma...I can't wait to see her again..."A small smile appeared over her lips."Before all of us go in we need to change no offence but I'm not wearing this dress for another second."We quickly pulled off the kimonos handing them to Jack all of us pulled on different colored Jersey and a pair of baggy basketball shorts and shoes."Looking good alright let's go."The six of us made our way inside the school while mom and dad stayed out here chasing each other inside the school everyone was busy talking except for Grace Marina and Ingrid who were in the bathroom doing their make-up hearing the gym door open everyone stopped what they were doing turning around their jaws dropped at the sight of us at first we thought they saw a ghost but then the triplets and Sanjay started walking towards us I couldn't help but smile kneeling down in front of them."S-Shelbie is that you?"I nodded smiling pulling out my police hat pulling it over my head."Yes it is."A huge smile appeared over their faces as they tackled me to the ground hugging me tightly."Welcome Home Shelbie!"

I hugged them back while the others rushed over towards me pulling all of us into a group hug." Shelbie you look amazing!"I nodded smiling while the others stood beside me."Let's get this party started but before we do Shelbie it's time to surprise Grace."I nodded as Chief Ripley called Ingrid telling her and Marina to blindfold Grace and to bring her to the gym immediately which they responded squealing."She's on her way up here."I nodded smiling a couple of minutes later the three of them came walking through the door my jaw dropped at the sight of Grace her hair as gotten longer and the baby bump was showing which made me very happy knowing that our child was healthy and that's what mattered to me.(She looks so beautiful..) I watched as Grace started walking towards me with the help of Marina and Ingrid once she was standing a few feet from me a smile appeared over my lips as I made my way over to them giving them each a hug standing behind her I slowly turned her around so her back was facing me undoing the blindfold I let it drop to the ground taking her hand in mine I leaned down placing a kiss to her temple whispering in her ear."Turn around and open your eyes."I helped her turn around she slowly started to open her eyes when they were fully open she took one look at me before breaking down into tears."S-Shelbie is that really you?!"I nodded smiling wrapping my arms around her waist gently kissing the top of her head."Yes it's me baby girl I'm home for good I'll never leave you alone again ever."Reaching up she placed her hands on both of my cheeks stroking them softly."It really is you I can't believe that your here with me now you have no idea how much I missed you so much I would be crying everyday because you weren't with me please don't leave me ever-Mmm!"I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers.(Don't worry baby girl I won't leave you alone ever again...)After a few seconds we slowly pulled away from each other smiling."That was a beautiful moment Shelbs it's time to celebrate!"The entire gym started cheering happily knowing that the two of us would have a very bright future ahead of us.

-Chapter 16 is finally up thank goodness that took a while to do anyway I wanted to say thank you so much to all the readers out there who read this book it made me very happy knowing that a lot of you like this story I'll admit I'm not very good at writing but I'm trying at least to update everyday but since I don't usually get on till late it's very difficult on the other hand it's worth it anyways I hope that you enjoy this chapter I'll see everybody in the next chapter Merry Christmas Everyone Bye!-

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