How you meet

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You were a gladiator on the Galra ship; One of the so called 'Champions', when someone calls you that it makes you sick to your stomach. You were sitting in a large cell, one side was a bunch of alien-like people, the other was just you sitting in the back corner.

You hate the things you've done, the people you've killed. For what? Flight entertainment? But the worse part is when Haggar 'improves' you. You've had enough.

Whenever you fight they allow you a couple of weeks to 'heal' and they give you a bucket of water, two rags and some bandages. But secretly whenever you're healing your memorising the guards shifts. You see everytime a soldier walks passed you have four ticks between them. If you havent thought about it already,

You're planning to escape.

But unfortunately the other prisoners are two scared to go near you, let alone help. You sigh.

Suddenly you hear a bunch of scuffling, the cell door slams open and two guards throw a body in. They close and lock the cell door and walk away. The prisoners surround the person on the floor. You slowly stand up.

"Is he hurt? Move!" They instantly move away. As soon as you see him you gasp. It was a human! You drop to your knees right beside him. "Bring me the medical stuff." Two of the aliens scurry off and bring over the stuff. You carefully spin him around and smile. You place his head in your lap.

He's hot.

You shake your head from your thoughts and grab a rag and dip it into the water. You start to clean his wounds from his face. You examine him closely. Theres a cut on his left leg, stomach, chest and left shoulder. You look towards the other shoulder and gasp.

How long has he been here? Why haven't I seen him before?

You scowl slightly. His whole right arm was made of Galra technology.. You frown.

I really hoped I was the only one.

You look towards right hand and leg. You frown and continue to clean him up.

You now notice this long cut that goes from one cheek to the other, crossing the bridge of his nose. You dab the rag onto it. The guy slowly opens his eyes and comes face to face with you. They widen and he goes to move but winces a soon as he goes to.
"Its okay, I'm just cleaning you up." You smile. He hesitantly nods and allows you to carry on.

After cleaning a couple wounds you only have two more to go. You blush slightly. "You need to uh, take off your shirt quickly." You scratch the back of your neck. He goes slightly red and nods. He sits up and takes his shirt off. You gulp. "Sorry! Its been a while." You joke. He chuckles.

"Yeah, same over here." You giggle. Once you clean and bandage the main parts. You rinse the rag and dip it a little. You go to clean his prosthetic arm but he flinches. You give him a sincere smile, handing it to him.

He smiles a you as he takes it.

Im finally not alone.


You've known Lance since you were six, you remember that day from the back of your hand.

You sit on the sidewalk and sob. Your dad just left after a loud row with your mother.

But your mom was kinda bad though, she would hit you a lot and drink a whole bottle of 'adult juice' before you left for school.

You shoved your face into your knees to make yourself quieter. You tried to run after him but cars are faster then people.

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