The others find out you're dating

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You and Shiro seemed to act like teenagers when you're around one another, flirting everytime you see eachother, sneaking into one of your rooms together and a LOT of PDA.

For example, at right this moment you were sneaking out of your room, hoping not to wake Shiro, so you could go to the bathroom early in the morning whilst wearing one of his shirts- not the best plan of action but you managed to go and come back with no interruptions so far.

Though, Just as you were about to open the bedroom door, you hear your name being called out by multiple people. You curse under your breath before turning towards them, an aggitated smile on your face.

"Hey guys, what can I do for you?"

"Hey, do you know where Shiro is?" Keith asks. You bite your lip.

"Have you- have you checked his room?" You try to respond.

"Yeah, it's empty and so is the training deck. We thought it was weird because he's normally up by now." Pidge rambles.

"Huh," You itch the back of our head. "Strange." Everyone suddenly squints their eyes at you. You gulp. "What?"

"Why are you acting so.... weird?" Lance questions, leaning forward a little.

"E-excuse me-?"

"Is that Shiro's shirt?" Hunk looks me up and down.


"Why are you wearing Shiro's shirt? Where's Shiro?" Pidge pushes forward. They all start to ask questions over eachother.

"Everyone just shush!" You shout. everyone goes quiet. Your door opens and you feel large, warm, arms wrap around your waist.

"Hey guys, whats with all the yelling?" Shiro asks in a tired voice. Everyone stares at the both of you. You blush.

"We were.... Looking for... you?" Keith hesitantly answers, very shocked and confused.

"Well I'm in here, so now if you don't mind I'm going to take Y/n from you." He picks you up making you squeal.

"Shiro!" He grins at you before bringing you into your room and closing the door in their faces. He places you on the bed and gets in next to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, kissing your neck. You sigh and close your eyes, enjoying the moment.

Meanwhile.. (3rd P.O.V)

The others stand there, baffled at what just happened.

"Why were they acting, like, our age?" Lance blurts out.

"What do you mean?" Keith turns to the boy.

"You know, sneaking around, staying in bed til' noon, not answering us and just taking Y/n then closing the door on us, stuff like that." He clarifies. Hunk shrugs.

"Do you think they're dating?" Hunk joins on.

"She was wearing his shirt and he was shirtless. Plus he did just wrap his arms around her and carry her off to bed, so.. yes?" Pidge answers hesitantly. Keith shakes his head.

"Okay? This is weird. I'm going to the training deck." He walks off. Everyone hums in agreement and follows.


You walk in the main room only to hear you boyfriend boasting about something to Keith. You roll your eyes and walk past, heading over to Allura.

Meanwhile.. (3rd P.O.V)

"Yeah, that's right. Y/n's my girlfriend. She's funny and great. Her being super hot is just a bonus." Lance smirks at Keith, making him roll his eyes.

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