You fall for them

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You got to know Shiro a lot once he got moved into your cell. You even told him your plans of escape. Thankfully he agreed and we talked about the details. Well, when we saw eachother that is. Everytime you would fight you and Shiro had 3 days together before he's being taken to fight. You found it strange. They havent made you fight eachother.

You were glad but the one question was...


Why wouldn't they pin us against eachother? We're obviously the strongest gladiators, the Champions. You cringe even thinking that. But you found it strange.

Besides that the only thing thats changed is that you possibly have a crush on Shiro. He's heroic and even though he's been through a lot he's still Shiro. He's helped raise your confidence. You owe your life to him.

Anyway today was the day you decided to escape and we actually made it to the escape pod. But just as we were departing a shots bursts through the opening of the ship.

Without a second thought you jump infront of Shiro and push him back. Three of the bullets hit you. One hit your metal leg, and one skimmed your arm but the last one was the problem. Straight through the shoulder. You place your hand over it as the pressure slams you foward. The doors close and the pod takes off.

Shiro rushes over to the medical kit and runs back to me. You sit back up, breathing a little heavy.

"Why did you do that?" Shiro scolds, ripping the shoulder of your shirt open. You smile.

"Shiro, your much taller than me, if it hit you it would've went straight through your chest. I couldnt let you die! As long as I'm around I'll never let you die before me." You state, voice softening as you get to the end.
He sighs and chuckles.

"Don't go all sentimental on me yet. We need to get you patched up first." He smiles sweetly. Thats when you knew you had fallen for him more than anyone in your life.

You will stick to your words until the day you die.


The first time you ever though about Lance that way was probably when you both joined the Garrison. Luckily you were part of his team. The uniform made him look great.

But the first time you were completely woohed by him was probably when you all first found the lion and he was piloting it.

He was a terrible driver, without a doubt, but once we went into space his eyes lit up and he looked so in control. But he would still make silly jokes, he was still the Lance you met on your way home that day, he was still YOUR Lance. You turned completely red and whenever he would talk to you would stutter and just kinda avoid him.

"Hey Y/n! I'm gonna go look around the castle for something to do. You coming?" Lance strolls into your room. You go completely red.

"I-uh-maybe?" You stutter. He gives you a weird look.  You awkwardly smile. He rolls your eyes and walks over to you. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You squeal. "Baka! Im wearing shorts! But me down!" You squirm.

"Nah, I'm liking the view from up here." He teases. You stop moving.

"L-lance p-please P-Put me down!" You pretend to cry. He quickly places you down.

"Sorry Y/n, dont cry!" He grabs your hand and you smirk.

"Works everytime." You snicker, running off in a random direction.

"Hey come back! Thats cheating.." Lance groans. You giggle.

"Come get me!"

But, even though you were acting super weird, he would still want to hang out with you.

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