First kiss/ they ask you out

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MUSIC: House Of Memories Feat. Dylan Schwab By Panic! At the Disco.

(Brenden Urie is Bae 😍)


You had successfully cleaned yourself up, thankfully this Altean ship had a decent shower and clothes. You hum in delight as you make your way back to your designated room. You were finally awake enough to start your daily training that you did with Shiro every morning but of course you had left your kit in said room making you walk all the way back. When you finally get there heavy footsteps is heard behind you making you turn. Lance stood there breathing heavily, hands on knees. You walk in, grabbing your bag before turning to the latino boy, crossing your arms. "What can I do for you Lance?" You ask in a professional tone. He finally manages to calm himself.

"I-" his eyes stare into mine before raking down my body. "Wow you look fresh girl."  The usual cocky smirk sat across his face. "wait, now's not the time that!" He snaps at himself causing you to raise an eyebrow. "It's Shiro! I walked passed the training deck and saw him lying on the ground!" He says worriedly. You clench your hand in distress, a worried frown sat on your face.

"Thank you for telling me, Lance. I assume you took him to a healing pod?" He stays quiet making your eyes widen "You just left him there?!" I scold out, throwing my bag back to the ground.

"I didn't know what to do! Besides, have you seen him? Me and Keith barely could lift him!" He defends himself quickly. You huff starting to make your way out the door.

"Get a healing pod ready." You nod at the boy before darting off in that direction. You finally arrive, the doors sliding open as you rush in. Shiro sat just against the wall with his eyes closed. You make your way over and crouch over his legs, placing your hand on his cheeks. "Shiro?" I call out gently but he didn't respond. "Shiro..!" I repeat with a louder voice only making the man groan."Shiro!? Shiro!" I call out to him even louder with more desperation and his head moves, a large hand reaching up and resting on your wrist.

"Y/n...? What are you doing?" A croaky sentence left his mouth. But once he finally opens his eyes he's in shock. You were very close to his face, fear and hurt clearly shown all over. His mouth opens a little in suprise.

"Are you okay? What happened? Where are you hurt?" You shoot off questions, moving his head side to side then scanning his body with your eyes.

"What? Nothing, I'm fine! was waiting for you and must've dozed off."

"But Lance-" He places his hands on yours.

"I'm fine, really." Relief washes over you face and squeeze your eyes shut for a moment.

"Oh thank god." You breath out, looking at him straight in the eyes.

"What about you? Are you okay?" He asks you.


"Your hand is so cold. Are you sick?" You blush in embarrasment, pulling it away.

"No, I'm okay." He quickly tightens his hand around your wrist, pulling it in his line of vision but his eyes fill with shock once he gets a look at it.

"Y/n.... you never told me about this." He says in a soft tone, using his fingers to gently stroke it.

"My leg too." You admit. He places a hand onto your tigh, instantly feeling the cold metal. He frowns. "It's okay. I.... was just a bigger mistake thats all." I tell him with a chuckle..

"You're not a mistake, y/n." He corrects you, squeezing your wrist slightly.

"That's easy for you to say, you're Shiro. You're basically perfect even after everything. Me?...I just gave up and let everything break me even more..." you glance away, trying to move but he pulls me down onto his lap.

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