Chapter Seven

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Violet broke through my chain of thoughts.

"Yoo-hoo. Where'd you go?"

"Nowhere." I snapped. 

"So what's the plan of action?" She waggled her eyebrows at me.

"Since when do you care about me?"

"Since we were children, remember?"

I did.

Violet and I were inseparable at one point. I stuck to her like glue, thinking she was amazing.

Turned out she wasn't. After graduating junior high, her focus went towards her social life. I cared more about my studies. We gradually drifted apart.

"You left me, Violet. You wanted much better looking friends. I didn't."

"You didn't want to have fun. You were too into your studies, Lilly. You need to loosen up. Tell you what, let's go partying in  honor of my return"

Was she mental?

"No! Three people are dead, half the school believes I did it, and you've just returned from a month-and-a-half long hiatus! Go home, Violet. Apologize to your parents for disappearing so abruptly."

"Always the scaredy-cat, Lilly. What happened? Still scared of your aunt?"

"I was never scared of her."

"Then come along. Who knows, maybe we'll find Nate."

Which was how I found myself getting ready for clubbing for the first time.

My eyes fell on my alarm clock. It read 1 in the night.

I just hope aunt wouldn't notice me.

Maybe she would think I was finally being a teenager.


The music pounded in my heartbeat. I closed my eyes once and sighed, then entered.

"Hey miss, hold your arm out please." I closed my eyes, sighing. When I opened them, Violet had disappeared.

She immediately sprinted towards the dancing area. It was a Friday, so if she was going for the grand entrance theme, it was working. If not, she just screwed up for possibly the first time in her life.

I started my job. If Nathaniel was here, there was a freak chance I might be able to save the next person on the note.

He should be at the bar. He wasn't a big dance-enthusiast, and there was nowhere else here that someone could be by chance.

Unless they were in the bathrooms, making out.



I weaved through the crowds, keeping an eye on Violet, who didn't look as if she would be leaving the floor any second.

The bar was crowded, as usual.

Sitting on one corner was a familiar figure.

"Hello, Lilly." Nathaniel smiled at me.

For some reason, I could hear him say those words over the music.

The world seemed to slow down as I walked over to him.

And when I sat down next to him, the Earth stopped rotating.

"I..uh..I got another note."

"Who?" He smiled.



After begging Nate to stay cautious and leaving the club, I walked home and crashed into bed.

When I woke up, aunt's face loomed down on me.

I gasped and sat up.

"Lilly, tell me a single yes or no. Did you kill anybody? If you did, I could get a lawyer for you, say it was an accident..."


"Read this"

On the paper, a headline read.

Another town resident dead, leaves behind killer's name in note.

The name was mine.

I killed Nathaniel.

As if.

Oh shit, did I?


Plot twist,eh? Okay anyhoo, I'll try uploading frequently. 

You guys, I adore y'all so much.


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(PS: Do you think Lilly killed Nate?)

(c) Anushruti Banerjee, 2016

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