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The next chapter is the last one :'( i know im upset too :) any way the italics are memories!! :) Thankyou for reading my story :)

ANNIE AND ADDY PARTY OUTFITS-------------------------------------------------------------->


Annie P.O.V


I couldn't move

''Hello....hello abulance please my friend has erm fallen down the stairs please come and help....... we are at chandelion hotel...ok thankyou''  I heard Addy talking on the phone.

I could feel everyones eyes on me but i didnt say anything i just collapsed to the floor ,lent my head against the bannister and just thought about .......stuff.


I was sat on the couch just having a lazy day in when my phone went off, i remembered it was upstairs so i quickly paused what i was watching and ran upstairs.

"Hello?" I answer out of breath

"Geez Annie you sound like you ran a marathon. What's going on?" Addy asked.

"Nothing." I lied "What's up?"

"I'm bored. We should do something."

"I can't now Addy and it's eleven at night. There aint much to do on  Sunday."

"we're not going to have any time to do anything once school starts tomorrow."

"Uh...I can't. I have things to do." I stalled.

"Liar. What are you doing?"

"Nothing much."

"I'm coming over in about an hour. Be ready to go to the club."

"What club?"

"KOKO's, silly. It's very very close and it's going to be filled with sexy boys."

"We wont get in to a club im only 13 plus I don't want any sexy guys."

''Thats what fake I.D's are for plus you dont even look like you 13 AND tough shit.''

''Urghhh ok BYE!! LOVE YOU''

''LOVE YOU!!''

I put the phone down and started to get ready. I had a shower and styled my hair meaning i just blow dried it a threw it over one shoulder, i then put  my blue silk dress on that came up just above my knees with some blue heels. I looked in the mirror and i have to admit i looked pretty hot especially my legs YUM :D.

My confidence instantly went down when Addy let herself in my house and walked in my room she looked beautiful. she had her hair pinned back making it look like she had short hair and was wearing a black dress with black shoes i know it sounds plain but it looked amazing.



When we got to the club thankfully the I.D's worked, me and Addy walked in and sat down. It was AMAZING loud music everyone dancing i loved it.

Me and Addy got up and started dancing for abit until a load of lads started grinding up on us so we went to sit down.

''Im gonna go get us a drink wait here'' Addy said

I was sat waiting for Addy when i felt the sofa dip i looked across and saw a boy a man with blonde hair and blue eyes he was very muscley.

''Hello beauty im Dean'' The stranger said

''Um hi im Annie''

''Cute name for a cute girl but from now on im gonna call you princess''

He grabbed hold of my hand and kissed it and from then my life was perfect. Me and dean became a couple and we loved each other everything was amazing until now.


I was snapped out of my thoughts when i saw Dean being lifted on to a strecher with a neck brace.

I couldn't i wouldn't let Dean go to hospital alone. I ran down the stairs and jumped into the back of the ambulance with Dean. The van set off and i grabbed hold of Deans hand.

''Dont worry Dean.... everything's going to be ok...i....i love you''

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