A Castle Of Secrets

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We rode for awhile, talking of how our lives were, before this had happened.

I fall asleep to the soft rhythm of the car and the company of my friends. 

It take's us 4.5 hours to arrive at their castle, the moon is already up.

The car engine cuts and I open my eyes, adjusting them to the soft glow of the lights.

"We're here." Caroline says, whispering as if they were listening. She raises a good point.

I sit up uncomfortably, cursing myself for having fallen asleep on such an uncomfortable surface. 

A car door opens and voices are audible outside our car. I tense up as the door is opened. Moonlight silhouettes a figure, whose hand is extended in our direction.

Mari takes it and climbs out, Carline following and me lastly. I stretch my legs, crack my back, and look around. The smell of salty ocean water wafts into my senses. We're by the sea. Homesickness enters my stomach and I feel sick.

"Are you ok Cat?" Caroline asks, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Yeah..it's just...the ocean reminds me of my family. We would go to Florida every summer and spend a month there. We started bringing Mari 2 summers ago. Now...I'll never see my family."  feel tears blurr my vision and I wipe them away angrily. 

Caroline gives me a similar heartbroken look. I straighten up and realize that I need to be strong for her. I hug her and she in turn hugs back.

Mari approaches us, the arm of her "mate" across her shoulders as if he were just another boyfriend of hers. As if they had known each other for longer than just two hours. As if...

I sigh and she gives me a nudge. I flash her a small smile.

"Look at this place. Its huge." She breathes out, turning around to motion at the huge structure that is my new home.

The perimeter of the mansion is lined with flower bushes and bright lights. I examine the tall arch way and the golden lion statues at the gates leading into the driveway, where we currently stand.

"It looks like Sarah's house." I say with a bitter tone. Sarah was probably the richest girl in Stalton High. Tall, skinny, Dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Oh my gosh. Did you see what he was wearing? Like it looks like the clothes you'd find at GoodWill." Mari mimicks in a high pitched voice.

"Bet she hasn't even been in a GoodWill." I scoff, rolling my eyes.

A guard comes over to us, his uniform identifying him.

"Please follow me." He says and he walks toward the house.

The prince is no where to be seen, yet his parents are the doors. The huge doors open leading into a long lit hallway. The walls are adorned with portraits of regal looking figures with crowns upon their heads.

The doors close behind us as we enter the first room on the left. Inside leads into a bright yellow room. The walls are a golden like color, also adorned with frames. A fireplace is in the far center wall, a huge painting of a man with white hair and small green eyes sits upon an iron throne. A staircase winds up to a second floor of the room, the sides stacked with books and shelves of the treasures all around the room.

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