Losers and Winners

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*It's 8:15 am, Breakfast Just Finished And They're In Cat's Room* *A Month After Violet Is Home*

"You want to train?" Mari asks incredulously.

I nod, a plan forming in my head as we speak.

"But you could get hurt or worse, killed." Caroline says, frowning.

"I know that, but I want to know how to defend myself, and you guys. I don't want Zane to keep fighting for me. Just because I'm female, doesn't mean I shouldn't know how to pack a few punches. I feel like boxing skills will only get so far against these...these werewolves."I say with certainty.

"Well thanks for that speech Miss Cat the feminist." Mari replies sarcastically.

I roll my eyes playfully.

"Thanks, but I'm serious. I'm going to ask Zane when I see him." I confirm and look between them.

"Well....when Cat makes up her mind she's like concrete wall." Mari sighs and walks over to me, wrapping her arms around me.

"I just don't want you hurt or..." Mari trails off, an upset look on her face. I give her a small smile.

"If I died then who would judge your outfits and tell you what they look honestly?" I humor her, it works. Even Caroline giggles.

"True that." She smiles.

"Now can you tell us what stuff you were talking to Zane about?" Mari asks, sitting on the couches.

"We just talked. That's it." I shrug, not wanting to alert them of the trouble I've caused.

"Oh come on. It must've been important. He looked pretty grim faced when he left." Caroline insists.

I sigh, I suppose I should tell them.

"Ok fine. What actually happened is that shortly after the fight, the commander person was taken by the rival...er pack. Zane and his parents were trying to figure out what to do." I explain, looking for the reactions.

"Well Zane was worrying about injuring too many wolves. The other pack is the most notorious in the land, they're ruthless and killers." I explain with a shudder.

A knock interrupts us, and I stand up to get it. I swing it open and see an older lady dressed in a kitchen apron with a cream colored dress underneath. She smiles kindly at me and curtsy's.

"Hello My Lady, I'm here for Lady Caroline. I hear she's interested in being apart of the staff?" She asks, her voice is smooth.

Caroline comes to the door.

"Hello dear, you must be Caroline. My name is Ms.Weaver, and I'm the staff leader. Prince Zane informed me that you were interested in a job?" She asks.

"Oh yeah i was!" Caroline beams.

"Well I'm here to help you figure out which job is good with you. Follow me to the kitchens. We'll be done some time before dinner." She smiles and leads Caroline, who waves to us, good bye.

"She looks happier than I've seen her in awhile." Mari says, smiling.

"Also, I have a date with Jordan in about an hour. Maybe you can find Zane then?"Mari suggests.

"I suppose so. What're you guys doing?" I ask, as we walk to her room. 

"We'll be going to the pack gardens, Jordan says the flowers bloom any time of the season. I wish I had my phone with me-I could take pictures." Mari says unhappily, then sighs and bounces to her closet.

She changes while I examine all the pillows on her bed.

She twirls around in front of me and grins. 

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