Rescue Plan

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*Catrina's POV*

The next morning the alarm goes off, startling us all.

I groan and get off the bed first.

I shake Caroline and Mari awake and go to the bathroom. I brush back my hair and brush my teeth. I wash my face and quickly pat it dry.

I exit the bathroom and go through my wardrobe. Caroline and Mari seem to have gone off to their own bedrooms, leaving me alone.

I pick up the popcorn on the ground and put it back in the empty bowl.

A knock stops me and I walk over to the door. I open it and find Zane, fully dressed in an all black outfit.

"What's with the outfit?" I ask.

"My father has agreed to your plan, so we'll be on a rescue mission to save her from the BloodMoon pack. We leave in 2 hours. The pack is a while away so we probably won't be back for maybe a day or two." Zane says, his eyes taking in my messy pjs and hair.

"Let me go with you." I blurt out before my brain could register.

"What? Why would I do that? Bringing my mate to the place that want's her. Yeah that'll really go well." Zane says sarcastically.

"No I know how to fight. Plus you'll be there, and I don't even have to leave the vehicle." I say, I feel the need to help them retrieve Violet, since it was my fault and everything.

"I can't have you in danger. Don't even think of it." Zane says, confirming.

"But-" Before I can say anymore he cuts me off.

"Plus you're human. You can't do any damage to a werewolf." His eyes have taken a darker shade of blue. 

"I'm going to leave a couple guards here to make sure none of you leave." With that, he walks away, no backward glances.

I purse my lips, feeling angry and also feeling the need to prove him wrong. 

*After Breakfast*

"My son shall be leaving very soon. My Luna and I shall stay here and so will some of my guards. Fare well and may the Moon grant you a safe return." The Alpha says, he nods at Zane and they get up and walk to the front doors.

I'm trying to figure out whether I should follow them, or just stay here. 

The Luna, Caroline, Mari and a few guards see them off, in armored jeep like cars. The alpha stares after the cars, worry in his eyes, an emotion I share for his son.

*Violet's POV* *Written By RooRoo Aka luci_aka_lucifer*

My eye lids felt like led. The darts they had used were far stronger than before. Usually I was able to fight through the haze, but these were different.

The first thing that hit my senses was the foul stench. It was strong and unbearable. It made my eyes water. I started to struggle, making an effort to get up. My body still felt heavy and weak.

The ground was rough, like stone or cement. My knees ached, they had broken my fall. Around my wrists and ankles, there was a cold, sharp metal. I was chained, completely defenseless. I groped the air, looking for the wall.

Once I found it, I collapsed onto it. My knees wobbled and couldn't hold me up. My stomach did a somersault and anything that was previously in my intestines, were no longer there. My vomit just added to the grotesque environment.

My mind was in pieces. I couldn't find my bearings. Everything was blurred and wobbling. Including myself.

A large metal door was on the other side of this cement box. It was heavy looking, like a couple of men were required to open it. It was rusting on the edges and in the corners. It was old, but still just as strong as when it was made.

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