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"Let The Mating Ceremony Begin!" 

I watch as the participants of the ceremony walk around, clipboards in their hands and their eyes wandering. I watch as a couple men walk up to Mari, some start a few conversations while some just jot down stuff.

I sigh inwardly as a man with dirty blonde approaches me, he has a clipboard as well.

"Hello.." He looks at my name tag. "Hello Catrina. I'm Cole Skay." He holds out his hand as if to shake mine but quickly pulls It back forgetting that I was attached to the chair. He rubs his neck smiling sheepishly. My gaze wanders to the Prince who hasn't move very much since the beginning of the ceremony.

His dark blue souless eyes meet mine and I feel a slight shiver down my back. Cole has already moved on and I look over at Mari talking to the guy that was next to the Prince. I catch bits and pieces of their conversations:

Mari: Oh my goodness same! It's like I've already had enough cookies....

Guy: haha yeah

*blah blah*

Mari: So your a beta? Like a deputy....?

Guy: Yes ma'am. I am Jordan Donohue, future beta of the King Zane. *He flashes a wink at Mari and she squeals blushing*

I sigh inwardly, looks like she's having fun. Even Caroline is having a conversation with a guard from a far off country. I look around at the girls that were once against this kidnapping. 

"Distracted?" Asks a voice.My eyes focus on a Brown haired boy is in front of me. He looks to be around 20..maybe younger? 

"Well who are you?" The guy asks looking closer at my name tag. 

"Catrina. My names Catrina." I tell him before he can answer his own question.

"Well Catrina, I am Darren Gatherd. Nobleman of Davyvil." He says like that's supposed to mean something to me.  

"Not like you would know how high up in social society I am anyways. Now that I think about it, you Human girls are no more than slaves." He says to no one in particular. 

I scowl, wishing I could slap him. 

"Without us, your so called kind will be extinct so I suggest you shut your muzzle and be grateful." I snap.

 He looks at me, offended then angry. I see something glint in his mouth before he snarls:

"How dare you talk out of order you weak little b*tch. We're truthfully only using you humans so we can have offspring and when we're done, you'll be nothing more than scum. At least your pretty." His eyes gleam a red brown. 

I feel like I've been slapped. I already knew that they needed us for offspring but what he's pointed out makes a feeling of resentment and shame in my mind.

"What's going on here." A voice growls lowly. Darren freezes, his pupils shrink just a little bit. I try to look over his shoulder but he's blocking my view. A manly perfume- old spice dances in the air, reminding me of the kind Jack would wear.

"Y-your highness I was just explaining ranks to this human." There's traces of scorn in Darren's voice. The prince doesn't miss it.

"Leave her alone." Zane growls, his voice like thunder. Darren nods and rushes away, scowling. Now I have a close up view of this so called prince. He has pure black hair swept to the side, almost like a black wave.

"Who are you?" Prince Zane asks, like I haven't heard that before. I don't say anything, hoping that maybe he'll just go away.

"I said Who. Are. You." Prince Zane repeats, impatiently. I look up, making my name tag visible.

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