7: A little bit of heaven

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so my plan to update more over Christmas didn't really work, so I decided to be nice and try to update more this month, but don't get your hopes up.

Also would just like to know how many people are actually reading this so could you leave a comment or something after you have finished reading it. Taah.

Kathryn xx


Oh my God, what in heaven was I doing? As soon as I properly realised what I was doing, I jumped off Freddie and ran straight to my room, shutting the door behind me. I was asleep one minute, the next I was practically devouring his face. But I couldn't stop thinking about it, my fingers running along my lips as they continued to tingle from kissing. It was so random, but I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it, because I really did. Sophie, get a grip! You barely know him, you shouldn’t be thinking like that. What would Mum say? Mum. I wonder how she was coping. And everyone else. These thoughts brought tears to my eyes. I blinked rapidly before they started to make tracks down my face. Freddie would surely notice later. That brought me back to the kiss. What on earth am I going to do now?

A knock interrupted my thoughts, making me jump and hit my head against the wall that I was leaning on. Rubbing the back of my head and making sure I had gotten rid of all sign of tears I slowly got up from my spot in the corner and walked to the door.

Leaning against it I asked, "What just happened Freddie?"

"Honestly Soph, I have no idea. Please come out and talk to me." I could hear the pleading in his voice, so stepped back from the door and opened it quickly, to have Freddie flying through the door and squishing me flat on the floor.

"Freddie?" My voice came out a bit strangled, probably from the lack of air my lungs were receiving because of the heavy body on me. I thought dead people/ghosts/angels were meant to be feather light. Obviously not.


"Your elbow is in my boob." Quickly he scrambled up off me, allowing me to take a big gulp of air and start breathing normally again.

"I am so sorry Sophie! I was just leaning against your door because I didn't expect you to open it." He gave me his hand so I could get up after recovering from feeling like a pin in a bowling match. After standing there for a minute I recuperate enough to speak.

"It's fine Fred. Want to go on a walk with me?"

"Sure, I'll go find Sydney, then there's this place I want to show you."

I changed into a pair of converse, not knowing where he might take me. I could hear some scuffling in the kitchen, so I walked through to there, only to find Freddie struggling to clip the lead onto Sydney's collar. I stood there watching him tackle my little spaniel, who was wriggling as much as she could. I crouched down on the floor, signalled for Freddie to give me the lead, and as I expected Sydney rushed over to me, then sat patiently as I clipped her lead on. Freddie looked astounded as I looked up.

"I have been trying to do that for 5 minutes! You have to teach me how to do that."

"I will, as long as you teach me how to do that zoomy thing."


He grabbed my hand as I picked up Sydney and we "zoomed" to outside the apartment building. We quickly walked out of the main city, over a bridge and suddenly we were in the countryside. I let Syd off of her lead so she could charge around the vast fields that we before us. I walked with Freddie in a comfortable silence, both lost in our own thoughts. I don't know what Freddie was thinking, but I was thinking about what happened earlier. It just happened so quickly, but I wasn't regretting it. He made me feel really safe, and helped me to forget that I only died 2 days ago. It still shocks me when I think of that, but with Freddie there, I rarely think about it. What confused me was the tingling sensation I got from it. I couldn't like him like that already; I've only known him for a couple of days.

I felt a big warm hand envelop mine, linking my fingers with his. Sparks shot up my arm and I forgot about my previous queries. I leaned close into the side of him as I didn't pick up an extra layer so as the sun was setting. It surprised me what a beautiful sight it was, the blend of pinks, oranges, reds and purple dancing across the sky.

"It's amazing isn't it? I still haven't got used to the sight of it."

I let out a contented sigh. "Have we arrived at the place you wanted to show me yet?"

"No, it's very close though, come on." I called Sydney back to us as she was chasing a butterfly round the field, bounding everywhere like puppies do. We walked down a small path that wouldn't have been obvious to me at all unless Freddie guided me down there. We broke through some trees and came across a lagoon, with a waterfall and millions of little fish and other creatures. You could see right to the bottom of it as the water was so clear.  All around it was a meadow of different coloured flowers from purple poppies to yellow coronations. Surrounding the meadow was hundreds, if not thousands of blossoming trees. I gasped at the sight in front of me, and a grin broke across his face. Sydney dived straight into the cool sapphire water, trying to catch all the multi-coloured fish. There didn't seem to be anything more perfect than that moment right then.

Freddie wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close into his chest. The warmth from him ignited my body and I tried to push myself further into his safe hold.

"This," he started, "is my little bit of heaven." I turned around in his arms and buried my head into his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso. With him here, heaven seems so true.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2012 ⏰

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