4: You must be the firecracker

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The soft morning light drifted through my open curtains, waking me up as I lay in the middle of my bed. How I got there I had no idea. I could here someone banging around in my kitchen, so I got up quietly, trying not to disturb the person. I creeped out the door and round to the archway, leaning against as Freddie bashed around the kitchen making different concoctions with bits and bobs. I watched as his back muscles flexed underneath his shirt whilst he was beating the eggs. I must have been stood there for about 10 minutes as he rushed around the kitchen before he turned around and noticed me.

"Hey, you're up." He smiled at me without a smirk in sight, so I smiled back.

"Hey yourself. Can I ask, how did I get in my bed? The last I remember I was watching the sunset on the balcony." He blushed slightly again like yesterday, and replied.

"I saw you asleep on there from my kitchen, so I picked you up and took you to your room so you wouldn't catch a chill. Then you started trying to make out with me and pulled me into your bed." He finished with a smirk.  My eyes were literally popping out of my head. I would never do such a thing normally, let alone with a stranger and while I was asleep. Freddie started laughing really hard at me, so I walked over to him and slapped him round the back of the head. He winced in pain and glanced up at me carefully, as though I would attack him again. "Sorry, sorry. You didn't and I was making it up, but I did carry you in from the cold night." I smirked in triumph and started to walk out the kitchen, but remembered something and spun on my heel. "What are you doing in my kitchen?" How come I hadn't realised this before?

"Well, my room is next to yours, obviously, and we share the balcony. I thought you would like to see a friendly face when you woke up seeing as this is your first officially day of being dead. And we have a lot to get through today so I thought, why don't I cook you breakfast. So I did. Want some?" At that point my stomach decided to groan, so I sat down at the breakfast bar and looked at the delights in front of me. We ate in silence, apart from the occasional grunt about the food being so good. Once I had finished I got up to go and get dressed. I could feel Freddie's eyes on me as I walked out the room, but ignored it as I walked to the en suite and jumped in the shower. After I finished showering I went to my wardrobe to choose what clothes to wear for the day. As I stood there in my towel there was a loud knock on my door and Freddie yelled out, "Soph, we're leaving in 20 minutes so hurry up!" I grabbed some shorts and a pretty top, and shoved them on over my underwear. I quickly dried my hair and put it up into a rough pony tail. I was rummaging through my shoes to choose which pair to wear when I heard my door open. I turned round to see Freddie staring and my legs, which were stretched out in front of me as I was finding a pair of shoes. I raised my eyebrows at him, and then pulled out a pair of tan gladiator sandals. Quickly fastening them up, I held out my hand for him to pull me up so we could get moving. He took hold of it and helped me up. I, being clumsy, fell straight into him and knocked us both onto the floor. I was lying on top of Freddie, my nose touching his. I shot straight back up quickly, shocking both of us. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Gosh I'm so clumsy. This is so embarrassing! Are you ok?" Freddie was off the floor by this time, and grabbed hold of my shoulders. "Sophie, I'm fine. Now lets get a move on before you possibly injure me anymore." That small amount of contact left a burning feeling at the top of my body. I really didn't know what was going on. Yes, he is a very hot guy, but I've only just met him, so it's a tad weird.

"There are some people I want you to meet." We had been walking for about 10 minutes now, in quiet, and I was trying to figure out what was going on between me and Freddie. We were in the same market place as yesterday, and we were heading towards a small group of people, about 3 that I could see. Someone noticed us and waved, so Freddie waved back and dragged me quickly over there. "Hey guys, I'd like you to meet Sophie! Sophie this is Mac, Joe and Nick." Freddie said, pointing at a guy with black shaggy hair and grey-green eyes, another with blonde hair and blue eyes and lastly, I'm guessing Nick, with brown hair and hazel eyes. "So you must be the firecracker."

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