6: Broken Angel

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sorry sorry sorry, i know it's been forever but thankfully it's almost christmas!! i can probably update more now its the hols, but i'm not promising anything. happy reading!

Kathryn xx


I could feel someone stroking my hair lightly as I started to wake up, there was a warm, heavy object on my lap. I slowly opened my eyes to see that Sydney was sleeping in a ball on my lap, her little wings rising and falling with her breathing. My head was against someone's chest and I could hear their heartbeat pounding away. The aroma of something delicious had filled the apartment so my body eventually started to wake up.

I started to feel that weird tingling sensation where I was touching the person behind me, who had stopped stroking my hair and was now shifting around behin... underneath me. Somehow I had ended up on the person's lap. I turned around to see Freddie smiling at me, so I gave him a small smile back. By this time Sydney had also woken up and started giving me kisses all over my face, much to my distaste as doggy breath isn't the nicest thing to smell. I pulled her off me and placed her on the floor so I could get up, but as soon as I started to move to get off, an arm snaked around my waist, pulling me back on to Freddie's lap.

"Oh no you don't, not yet. The guys haven't finished yet and they don't want you in there until they have." I pouted slightly at him, copying the face Sydney had given me but he just laughed at me, which made me scowl then jump off his lap and run to my room before he even had a chance to realise what had happened. I quickly picked up Syd and locked the door so he couldn't get in, then put the wriggling ball of fluff on the carpet before I dropped her. She ran straight to her bed and toy basket, then proceeding to empty the contents all over the floor. I sat down and watched as she savagely attacked a blue reindeer with long gangly legs, then moved on to a huge teddy bear that was about three times bigger than her. You could see her trying to figure out which would be the best approach to take this gigantic thing down, before she charged and pounced on it, knocking it flat on its back. I couldn't help but laugh at the silly girl as she started dragging round this thing by its ear, getting the head caught every second between her legs, then for her to turn around and glare at it. I was almost wetting myself with laughter it was so funny to watch. I would have to thank whoever got her that.

Eventually she gave up and came over to lie down in between my legs, gradually falling asleep. I absentmindedly stroked her ears very gently as her wings fluttered. Someone knocked on the door, so carefully I stood up trying not to jostle her as I placed her in her bed. I unlocked the door to see Mac stood there smiling at me.

"Dinner is now ready, but I warn you the kitchen isn't a pretty sight."

I stepped wearily into the kitchen, for my mouth to drop open. There was flour all over the cupboards, which was then covered in vegetables of all kinds, sauces, eggs and pretty much every ingredient I had. I looked at the table and chairs to see they were clean, thank God.

"Well... at least the chairs are clean. But I want this kitchen spotless you numpties." They all started groaning in protest but I silenced them with a hand. "No buts."


2 hours later and they were still scrubbing away. Nick was wearing a frilly apron and pink rubber gloves with fake fur at the end, looking very camp to say the least.  I stood there at the door whilst Sydney was playing with a squeaky toy by my feet. Mac and Joe, were looking slightly more normal, except for some yellow rubber gloves and the fact that Joe was wrapped from his legs down in toilet roll and was squirming on the floor like a worm. Not one of them had noticed I was stood there yet, even with Syd squeaking that toy like she was trying to murder it. Randomly Nick burst out singing "Gotta be you" by One Direction and I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. Their heads shot up like rockets into space and every single one of them was staring at me. I just pointed at Nick and laughed even harder. Even Sydney had stoped squeaking to see what was going on. I bet I looked like a right idiot stood there laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face and fanning my hand in front of my face trying to help me breathe.

By the time I had calmed down, about 15 minutes later, Freddie had come back from wherever he had disappeared to. He looked at my face and was about to ask when Mac interrupted him.

"Don't ask please. We don't want her to have another 15 minute laughing fit thank you very much." Freddie shrugged his shoulders and walked back into the lounge. I followed him and sat on the sofa with my legs crossed looking at him.

"Where have you been?" I asked, hoping he would tell me.

"Erm, just places." I scowled at him and strutted off, but I barely took two steps before I tripped over a dog toy and landed straight in his arms. Right as the guys had walked out the kitchen.

"Well, this is a ... very comprimising position. We might just leave you guys to it." And walked out the door, but not before Nick smirked and yelled, "Don't forget to use a condom!" And then did that zoomy thing away. Someone is seriously going to have to teach me that!

I blushed as I saw Freddie looking down at me. "You know," he starts, "we could do what Nick said..." I blushed even further, probably looking more red than a tomato and was about to push myself off Freddie but he caught my waist and said, "Or we could just watch a movie?"

I nodded and resettled myself on the sofa as he chose what movie to watch from a huge collection that had sprouted up from nowhere. I couldn't see which movie he put in so I waited until it hit the screen. I squealed in delight and cuddled right up against the big softy, who had put Tangled in. I was a huge disney fan and had pretty much watched all of them, and this was one of my favourites, even though it was really cheesy. We watched the film in silence apart from the occassional whispers in my ear from Freddie, saying silly things about the film. I was seeping into his warmth, slowly drifting off.



She looked so beautiful asleep in my arms. I didn't want to fall asleep myself because I might miss this. The first time I saw her I could sense something was different. I saw her turn white as Jeffery told her she was in heaven so quickly moved to hold her as she fainted. I felt this tingling feeling run up and down my arms, startling me. I took her to my apartment so she could recover and sat there watching her.

I could feel myself falling fo her, even though I had known her ... 2 days? Oh dear. Her hair was cascading around her face, making her look more like an angel than ever. Technically in a few months, after her training she would be, but I could sense she would be an important one. I started caressing her cheek very gently, trying not to wake her, and instantly she turned around, lying on top of me as we lay on the sofa, her perfect face meer centimetres away from mine. I couldn't help myself. I brushed my lips gently over hers, and her eyes flicked open. She looked surprised, but then suprised me by leaning in. I took advantage and pressed my lips into hers, carefully at first seeing if she would respond, and quickly she did. I wrapped my arms around her petite waist pulling her closer to me, as close as she could get savouring every moment. She ran her fingers through my hair, making me groan as she tugged gently. I had no idea what this girl was doing, but I prayed that she would be mine forever. I knew in that instant that I was definitely falling for this broken angel.

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