Chapter Nine: Heading Back

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After Zaan and I showed each other our powers, we used them to get out of the Frueth base. The outside was just ruins, surrounded by trees, trees were even growing through the base. Zaan went invisible, and I turn into the blue smoke, the Frueth stared at me, but didn't suspect anything. Once we were out we both turned back to normal. I hug Zaan again, and he hugs back fast. "That was a close one." He mutters. "Yeah." I nod. I can see it in his eyes that he was truly scared. "I'm okay, don't be scared anymore." He nods and reaches his arm out, I wrap my fingers around his palm and we walk where we hope is the Rebel Camp. If we make it back, we'll be closer than ever.

~Zaan's POV~

Her little hand was wrapped around my big hand. She had more warmth in her than I did, and I cherished it. In the distance, my home towers over the forest. "I see the base, Rae, we're almost there." I tell her. She looks up at me with wonder in her eye. "Good, I'm tired." Twigs snap and I automatically turn invisible, Rae wisps into smoke. She flies high above anyone's reach. "Stay here." I whisper, of course, she doesn't listen. We both investigate the sound, relief spread through me when I realized it was just a wild horse.  We turn back to our original form and continue back home.

Sage greeted us when we got there, she hugs us both. "I've missed you two!" She exclaims. I smile. "We missed you as well." Rae silently nods. "I got a bed ready for Rae, it's okay if she sleeps in your room, right Zaan?" She asks. "Yeah, of course." Rae and I walk to my room, her bed was a little bit smaller than mine, but with the same blankets and pillows. Rae lays down in her bed. "I'm going to sleep." She turns on her side. "Okay, I'll be right back." I walk out and found Sage. "What's the plan?" She asks. I shook my head. "There is none." She raises an eyebrow. "What happened?" I look around. "The Frueth are changing, they ambushed us at the base." She gasps. "Are you two okay?!" She looks me over, looking for wounds. "Yeah, yeah, I got her out in time. I'm just tired." She nods and I walk off.  In her bed, Rae snores quietly. I walk over and brush the hair out of her face to lightly kiss her forehead. She smiles a faint, sleepy smile. "Goodnight, Rae." I whisper. "Goodnight, Zaan." I climb into my bed and fall asleep within minutes.

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