Chapter Ten: His Lover

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The next morning I arose to someone tossing and turning in my bed next to me. I slowly look over to see Rae, sound asleep. I smile and get out of bed, letting her get her rest. A soft knock at the door alarms me. I open it up. "Hello, Sage." I whisper. She waves me over to her. I kiss her cheek once I was out of the door. She blushes red. "You need to train Rae how to fight." She says. I nod. "I know." She brought me to where the bow and arrows sat. "She will be good at this, but you must do the training everyone receives." I nod, she kisses me and walks off to do work. I chuckle and head back to my room to wake Rae up.

~Rae's POV~

Zaan shakes me awake, I moan in protest. I hear him laugh. "Come on, you have training." I reluctantly get out of his bed. "Sorry, I had bad dreams last night." I apologize. "I didn't mind." We walk to the training area. "You will specialize in archery." He says. I smile and pick up a bow. He takes it away, I scowl at him. "What?" I look around at the others, all aiming and hitting targets. "You need strength in your arm in order to pull the bow string." I roll my eyes. "Fine." He guides me over to a table with a bowl of water and a pitcher of water. I sit down on one side, and he sits on the other. "Slap the water with your palm straight." I raise an eyebrow. "What?" He repeats what he told me. "Why?" He chuckles. "Just do it." I slapped the water, feeling stupid. "Good, harder this time." I roll my eyes and slap it harder. "Perfect, now keep doing that until the bowl is empty." I slap the water until I'm just slapping the wooden bowl. "Now what?" He fills the bowl back up and smiles. "Do it again." I stare at him. "UGH!" We did that for hours and hours, Zaan stopping to get food, or fill the pitcher back up. After the fifth hour I get tired. "Zaan, I'm tired!" I complain. He stares at me for a couple of seconds. "Fine. Tomorrow we're doing the same thing." Sage comes up behind Zaan and reached her arms around his body, kissing him on the cheek. He rubs her hand and smiles. "Hi, Sage." He says. "Hello." She says and she sits on his lap. I raise an eyebrow. "Rae, did I forget to mention Sage is my girlfriend?" My eyes open up wide. "Yes. You completely forgot!" He rubs Sage's shoulders. "Yeah, we're together." I raise my eyebrow. "Okay. Well, I'm going to bed." I wave and walk off. Well, that was awkward.

~Zaan POV~

Rae walks away slowly, she seemed to be awkward with Sage there. I look up at Sage and she's smiling at Rae. "She's adorable." She says. "She is." I agree. She laughs and then a big rumble came from outside the base. "What was that?" I ask Sage. "It sounded like a bomb." She whispers. "Go get Rae somewhere safe." I don't go, I know Rae can survive this.

~Rae's POV~

Boom! I stop staring at the bowl of water, wondering what the noise was. Another boom sound. Then screams. I turned into my smoke and went outside to investigate. Huge planes flew above, dropping bombs everywhere. I automatically think of Zaan, his invisibly won't help him here. But I can't go in the tree, I fly somewhat far away and wait until the bombs are not dropping, I then zoom over there. Bodies were sprawled around the rubble, survivors screaming, seeing their friends. I turned into my original form and look around. I start to bawl when I couldn't find Zaan. "Zaan!" I cry out. Everyone looks at me, I walk up to a man Zaan's age. "Have you seen Zaan?" I ask. "No, sorry." I start to bawl even harder. I hear a strange sound then another bomb drops, far from me, but rubble pierces my skin, I earn large cuts, but my face is fine since I covered it. People are crying in pain and I still can't find him. My shoulders shake from me bawling. I focus on someone folded over a body. His light hair glints in the sun. "Zaan!" I cry. He turns around the slightest. His eyes find mine and I see tears streaked across his dirty face. I run up to him and stop suddenly when I see the body. She isn't dead yet, Sage lay on the ground, crying and struggling to breath. "Sage!" I run up to her. She grabs my hand and fakes a smile. "I'm going to be okay." She whispers in a hoarse voice. I know she's lying for my sake. And maybe for her own. "Please," Zaan begs. "Don't go." He bawls even more. I cry with him. "Zaan, if I don't make it, take over for me." She whispers. "No, you're going to live." Zaan protests. She looks him in the eye and smiles, then strokes his face, before fading off forever.

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