19. Oni

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Kara's eyes remained on the horizon, and she could see the way the sun would soon rise. She had just put Evelyn back to sleep, having fed the girl. Kara had been dreaming about something that worried her greatly. Many black shapes, with glowing yellow eyes. They had been after her, and it wasn't to be kind either.

Kara felt a chill creep up her spine while she stared out of the window, and she turned around to throw a look at Chris. He laid still in their bed, still knocked out from being tired. She couldn't help but smile as she saw him, and the thought of waking him hit her. Kara pushed the idea away, and instead she headed out of the bedroom, entering the bathroom. She did her business and got dressed, making her way downstairs. As she stood in the hallway, there was as if she heard a whisper from further away. Kara turned towards the door, hugging herself.

-"Does anyone need help?" Kara whispered as she grabbed her jacket, tossing it on. She unlocked the door and peeked her head outside, looking around. She couldn't see anyone, but the whispers got stronger, and she felt more uneasy about everything. Kara shut the door behind her, zipping her jacket up. She shone her eyes, allowing her to see further into the darkness.

The whispers began once again, and now she managed to read them off from behind the house. Kara made her way behind the house, staring at the open field behind the house. Her eyes landed on a shadow that was moving towards the house.
-"Follow me."
Kara scoffed as she did as the man had said. He began running, and she followed him further into the forest. He didn't stop until he was on the mountain side, leaving a good outlook over Beacon.

Kara walked up to the man, feeling irritated.
-"Why did you lead me all the way up here?" Kara asked and crossed her arms. She kept a safe distance from the guy.
-"I was forced to lead you with me. You still have a chance to run," Derek said, turning towards Kara, making his way towards her.
-"Who should I be running from?" Kara asked, backing off.

-"Your father and his little alpha pack. He wanted me to kill you, but I can't. Therefore he told me to lead you here, but they haven't arrived yet," Derek said, letting out a sigh.
-"Perhaps he doesn't know what powers I possess now, then," Kara said, letting her red eyes shine towards Derek.
-"He knows, which is why he wants you dead. He's going to steal those powers," Derek said, sighing.

-"So you just teamed up with him?" Kara snapped, tossing her arms out into the air.
-"I didn't have much choice. You should know that better than... than... Kara, we should get going."

Kara stared at Derek as she saw his facial expression chance. She felt a gush of wind from behind her, and she spun around. Her eyes landed on 4 black shapes, the only thing visible being their yellow eyes.
-"Who are they?" Kara asked, taking a step towards the shapes.

-"Someone who are after you, and will kill you. Your father warned me. Come on, let's go!" Derek shouted, reaching for Kara's arm. He dragged the girl with him, and the two of them began running from the shadows. Every time Kara turned to have a look, she could see their yellow eyes in the distance, following her. She glared at Derek, and he honestly seemed just as scared as her. It didn't bode well for either of them.
-"You run into Chris' house, and I'll try to lead them away. Stay inside until morning!" Derek shouted, and then he stopped in his path. Kara was about to stop herself, but she knew she couldn't.

She continued to run without looking behind her, and when she returned to Chris' house, she hurried inside and locked the door. She collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. Kara didn't notice Chris who stood on top of the stairs, staring down at her. Kara let a tear run down her cheek, and she was shivering like wild.

-"Hey, would you calm down! What happened?" Chris asked, pulling Kara in for a tight hug. He could feel the girl rest under his touch, and he let out a sigh. He pulled away from her and helped her up, pointing towards the counter. "I made coffee for us."

In Love With The Hunter | Teen Wolf / Chris ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now