Chapter4 >> First Official Day

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Rachel's Pov

I woke up at 3 a.m. because of my little 'nap'. I sighed and decided to get ready for the day while I was at it. I took a shower and brushed my teeth after the nessacery things I needed to do. I quickly put on a grey crop top, light blue jeans that had rips where the knee is and a little up the thigh.

After that, I worked to get my clothes into the dresser. And my small things like jewelry, make-up ( I don't really wear much  ), etc.

When I checked the time again it was 5 a.m.

" Guess I could explore the lot " I muttered. I walked out of my room and walked a little and opened each room slowly and carefully.

" Ally's Room " I muttered quietly to myself. Surprisingly she wasn't in her bed.

I quietly closed the door and opened the door across it.

"  Dinah's " I said and saw her spread like a starfish. She actually looks nice, well I guess I'll find out later. You're probably wondering how I know it's Dinah since I never saw her. Simple. She just looks like a Dinah.  

I quietly shut her door. And opened the door beside it.

" And this must be Camila's humble adobe " I whispered gazing around the room. Simular to Dinah she was spread out like a starfish on her bed. I giggled but I guess she heard it cause she stirred in her sleep a little. "Oops " I whispered and quickly but quietly shut the door.

I open the door across from it and see a huge ceiling room because this setup is beyond my mind. It was like an outdoors theme.

" Wow " I say awed. I walk into the room and go up to the bed and see a small figure in the sheets. " Must be the the little kid " I say quietly. I gaze one last time at the amazing room and quietly escaped the room.

The next room was glass. Like legit a huge glass wall. But inside there were curtains to hide it but I guess she forgot to close it all the way. I looked in the medium hole and saw Normani.

Unfortunately for me she was awake...also did I mention she somehow was looking straight at me.

I jumped and quickly walked away. I quickly walked to the stairs. I heard a little rumble and knew it was her. I quickened my pace and towards the last few steps leave it me to trip and fall on the tile floor.

"Fuck " I muttered biting my tounge to keep from the tears forming in my eyes.

" Wow, even I didn't know you were that clumsy. Part of why I left you anyway. " she said.

"Shut up " I muttered biting my tounge even harder.

" What if I don't. You gonna shed some tears bitch. " she said and I could just see her rolling her eyes.

I felt the tears forming and I quickly stood up and ran into what looked like their living room.

" Can't lose me that easily " she said suddenly popping up in front of me.

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