New Clothes, Scarier Places

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Dustin, more than anyone (at least he thought), was terrified. As they zipped up their stiff, plastic, neon suits, his hands shook, his breath rattling in the helmet. "Why do we need these again?" Lucas mutters, fiddling with the tube attached to the back of the suit. "Don't play with that." Hopp started, "Alright. Listen up. The air in that place? It's toxic. Your friends need help..." 

Hopper's voice faded out in Wills mind as a flash of something terrible appeared in it's place. Except this time, it wasn't a flashback, and it lasted longer. It was Castle Byers but ugly. That place. Mike sat with El, a girl in front of them. Will tried to get a closer look, but it was an interactive kind of movie. He watched silently though, as the girl held up her arm, revealing a small 010, exactly like Eleven's. A monstrous screech, Eleven screams, and Will woke up on the floor of Hawkins lab. His friends, Hopper, and two staff members gathered around him, Hopper crouched down and holding Will's shoulders. "Will! Are you okay?" He said in the ever stone-cold but somehow heart-warming voice. Will sat up, his head pounding. "I saw them... in that place." He said quietly. 

"We need to get them out of there."

AHHH OKAY. I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY. I was having majjjjjooooorrrr writers block but it's all clear now and I'm good. I swear I'll be posting even more!! <3

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