switched mugs

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Salam Everyone! EID MUBRAK TO YOU ALL. There's still 2 days left so enjoy them even if you have school!! Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this new chapter!! 


I was awaken with the great amazing feeling of being DRENCHED. 


I look around the whole room and don't see anyone.

Suddenly I hear someone laughing like a maniac.


"Sadeen I'm not dumb your the only immature one here, come out so I can get you back", I tell her

Suddenly, I see Razan walking out from behind the closet actually looking terrified.

"OMG Razan Ahahahaha  sorryyyyyyy habibti I thought you were one of my dumb friends", I apologize for my yelling.

" It's ok Aceil. I'm sorry for doing that. Sadeen told me to", apologizes Razan in her tiny voice

I knew it

" Ok Razan I need to get Sadeen back. Can you help me?", I ask her

" Hmm ok sure! WHat are we going to do?", says Razan

" Well we should put laxatives in her Nescafé", I tell Razan

"What's a laxave?", asks Razan

"LOL, It's a laxative. It makes people tummy run so that they keep having to use the bathroom", I explain to her.

"Oh! Ok let's do it", Little Razan tells me.

I take out a laxative from my purse ( Don't ask why she has laxatives in her purse looollll)

I go out and see Jenna, Ayah, and Sadeen sitting in the kitchen looking at a bunch of colors in a binder.

Hey Salam guys what are you up to?

"We're trying to chos what your wedding theme should be", explains Jenna

"We were thinking maybe white and light pink", says Ayah.

"I think we should chose black and yellow because your a big B", says Sadeen trying to be funny and obviously not succeeding in that task.

I smacked her on the back of her head and whisper, "I'll get you back habibti don't worry"

"Anyway yeah guys I think those colors would be perfect. Good Choice.", I tell them

" It was my idea!", says Raya from the living room

"Shut up Raya no it wasn't. Psh it was mine.", says Jenna

"Just Kidding it wasn't my idea. I told them that they should do Orange and yellow but obviously no one listened to me!", says Raya

"Mashallah you and Sadeen have such a great sense of color coordination", says Ayah sarcastically.

"Oskote Ayah A7sanlik", says Sadeen

"Chill out banat LOL" ,says Jenna.

"Ok anyways guys, do you want Nescafé"?, I ask

"Yes please wifey", I hear a manly voice.

"ZAYN?", I ask

"Who else would be calling you wifey?, he asks coming out of the living room. "Hopefully no one"

"Ooooooh", Jenna whispers 

I go to make the Nescafé and make sure to put the laxative in one of the mugs.

After I finish making them, I tell them and give Sadeen her mug along with everyone else.

After ten minutes Zayn suddenly runs into the bathroom.

He comes out after a little and I decided to go inside to fix my scarf but decide against it after I smell the wonderful smell erupting from the bathroom :))))))))))))


" there's something in the Nescafé Aceil. I literally took a sip and had to go to the bathroom", he tells me, kind of embarrassed

OH CRAP. I take a look at his mug and realize that I gave him the mug that was supposed to be for Sadeen. 

"Really? I don't feel anything", says Sadeen

I look at Razan to see her laughing.

YOU!!, I mouth to her.

"Sorryyyyy I had to do it", she mouths back

I THOUGHT RAZAN WAS  ON MY SIDE. She switched sadeens mug with Zayns.

what an evil 6 year old

Zayn looks at me questioningly. "Did you do something Aceil?", he asks me.

"What! No! I would never zayni!"

He runs back into the bathroom clutching Onto his stomach.


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