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"So what you doing for Christmas?" Char's teammate, Yaz, asked as the both sat on the bleachers, getting ready to leave from their last long and much dreaded practice before they were released for Christmas break.

"Well, my friends and I are going up to the mountains in Aspen to catch up on everything that's happened in the last few years, so that's where I'll be," Char shrugged.

"Yo butt better be safe while you up there cause we don't need our starting shooting guard to get hurt," Yaz laughed as they both got up and left out of the gym; Yaz to go chill with her girlfriend and Char to finish packing.

She was overly excited that after seven years, she was finally going to get that Christmas vacation with her friends that they'd been putting off for years due to everybody being too involved in their current life situations.

Chelsea and Bryan had gotten married two years ago after having their first baby boy, Antonio and one year into the marriage they had a little girl and name her Andrea; both of them are Char's god children. Chelsea was still studying to become a pediatrician while working front desk at a local hospital in New York and Bryan took over his uncle's real estate company, after he died.

Tangy and Martell; however, did not get married. They aren't even together anymore. Tangy and Char lived together in a condo in California and she also pursued her job in owning her own tattoo shop in LA. Martell went into the Air Force and is currently stationed in Texas.

De'Quan became a successful actor, moved out to Atlanta and married a famous model named Aliyah Stokes. They now have a two year old daughter, named Jace.

As for Malachi, he attended Duke University and after two years of playing college ball, he signed to the Miami Heat and took custody of Messiah, Shaun and Miya's son. Messiah had been given to Malachi's mother after Miya had died while giving birth. Malachi was now dating Stephanie Russell, an old friend from high school and a model.

Finally having them all together again, after years of choppy conversations and visits, had Char smiling as she pushed open the door to the two bedroom condo and saw Tang sitting in the couch texting away.

"Tangy bitch, you ready?"

Tangy momentarily looked up at her as she dropped her LA Sparks gym bag down by the door and plopped down beside her.

"No," Tangy replied with a sigh. She was not looking forward to seeing her ex boyfriend doing just fine without her. After their breakup, she hoped that his life would fall apart and he would come crawling back to her, but when that didn't happen, she got pissed and hasn't been able to keep a guy since.

"Is this about Martell?"


"Girl you need to get over that! You are gorgeous, young, and successful. Guys want you and females envy you. Stop worrying about your ex and find the next," Char preached.

Tangy smiled and looked over at Char. Over the last few years they had grown to be best friends. Back in the day, Chelsea and Char were the ones they were tight and Tangy was more like an acquaintance, but when they decided to move in together, Char and Tangy had no choice but to become closer.

"I guess you're right, but I'm just not up for staying in the same place with him for a whole two weeks. What if he brings another woman there?" She asked.

"Don't worry doll face, you'll have me. Hell, I'm single and Mal is going to be there too, he might even bring that Mexican, Barbie Doll girlfriend he has now," Char said while folding her arms.

"She's Latina and for the person who willingly let him go, you sound a little jealous," Tang laughed.

"Well I'm not. I just think he could've done better than some hooch he use to screw around with in high school."

Tangy grunted knowing damn well that Char was more than jealous. Her feelings for Malachi were evident and the fact that she's been trying to deny them for the last eight years is absurd, but she was just going to let Char live in her own little messed up world, knowing that one day Char was going to come to her senses and take back what was hers.

"I don't like you no more, Tang, I'm 'bout to go finish packing 'cause you're killing my vibe," she got off the couch and went to her room to finish packing for their flight that would leave at noon the next day.

Tangy just laughed at her crazy friend and flipped through the channels on tv.

This Christmas vacation was going to be one to remember...

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