Chapter Four

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Stephanie reached out and touched him as if he wasn't even real and gasped before suddenly pulling her hand back.

Aliah had no idea what was going on.

And, just like that, everybody's gaze turned to me. I would've pretended like I was a little excited that he was back or even shocked, but I couldn't bring my face from its impassive state.

"Well Char, aren't you going to say anything?" Chelsea asked with a frown.

What was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to act?

Like a girl who's boyfriend came back to life. They don't know that he cheated on you and has a child, and they definitely don't know that you slept with him yesterday.

Stupid conscience.

"Is the wine here good?"

Leek cleared his throat to ignore my ignorance, "Everything here is good. It's one of my best restaurants."

I nodded and looked back down at my menu.

"That's all you two have to say to each other? Char!" Chelsea eyes were wide and she looked more angry than ever.

I shrugged.

"Shaun, you should come over today. We're having a movie night," Chelsea informed him.

"I can't, sorry. I'm finishing up some last minute things tonight for my hotel's opening on tomorrow. We're actually having a black and white party for it, you guys can come if you'd like?"

Chelsea eagerly accepted his invitation not even considering if any of us wanted to protest.

"And can we keep this little secret from Shaad? I'd really like to surprise him and the guys tomorrow," Leek asked.

Everybody nodded and I glared down at my menu, wishing he'd leave already. His appearance was sexily distracting and I hated it.

"Alright, I'll see you guys later. Enjoy the food."

Before he could leave, Tangy asked, "What does the CW in The CW Café stand for?"

Leek's eyes flashed to me before flickering over to Tangy, "Chardé Washington."

And then he left.

The waitress returned with our drinks and I quickly grabbed the bottle of wine and poured my glass to the max before drinking it down in few gulps. Refill, empty again, refill...

"Slow the hell down girl!" Chelsea yelled, while pinching my shoulder. I swatted her hand away and drunk a little more wine before sitting my glass back down.

"This is how your deciding to handle this? To get drunk? Char, he's alive and you acted like you didn't even care," Chelsea frowned.

"Like you've seen him before..." Tangy added with a smirk.

I groaned and took another long sip.

"Have you really?" Chelsea asked.

"Can we not? I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about him. This trip has been anything but relaxing since getting here and I'm starting to regret coming," in more ways than one.

I groaned again.

"Are you all ready to order?," the waitress awkwardly cleared her throat and we gave her our food orders before she walked off again.

By this point I was slightly tipsy and feeling good. Too good.

Chelsea kept giving me disapproving looks that made me mad. She's changed since having kids, which is a given, but she'd turned into a kill joy!

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