Chapter Three

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Malachi Ra'Shaad

"Where the hell is this girl?" Chelsea asked as she stood from the table. I quickly jumped up and stopped her.

"I'll go get her, she's probably asleep or something."

She gave me an irritated look and sat back down beside Bryan. I looked around the table of impatient and hungry people before jogging up the stairs to Char's room. I knocked a few times before hearing a bunch of rumbling and bumping around.

"Char?" I frowned, "Is everything okay?"

There was more bumping around and fumbling before Char answered the door out of breath, "Hey! Yea, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that dinner started ten minutes ago," I checked my invisible watch, "And you're not down there."

She sighed and rested her hand on her forehead while holding the other behind the door. I didn't question why she had the door cracked open a little like I was a Jehovah's Witness or something, just raised my eyebrow at her.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded quickly and smiled, "Yea, I was just really tired from the flight and fell asleep, thanks for waking me though, tell everybody I'll be down in about ten minutes?"

I nodded, "You sleep naked now?" I took in the brown bed sheets wrapped around her body.

She nervously laughed, "Yeaaa. It got a little hot in here and..." she shrugged.

I chuckled and nodded before walking off, "Ten minutes."


I waited until he disappeared down the steps before closing the door revealing a half dressed Leek.

"You need to go. Now," I sneered while making my way to the bathroom and turning on the shower. My body was incredibly sore and I threw the sheets into the dirty clothes hamper because they were destroyed.

"How the hell am I supposed to get out of here?"

I frowned and turned to him as he continued to get dressed.

"The window?"

"We're on the second floor."

I shrugged, "The same way you got in?"

"Everybody is downstairs."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Fine, stay here, but lock the door and don't make any noise."

"Good, at least now I can take a shower," he said as he started to get undressed again.

"No," I pointed towards the door, "You wait until I'm finished. We are not taking a shower together."

He grunted before leaving out of the bathroom and I hopped into the shower and washed the feeling of sex off of me. I don't know whether I regretted having sex with Maleek or not, but I knew it felt good and for some reason I wanted more.

What about Malachi?

Malachi. Should I have felt bad about having sex with Leek because of him? I mean, he is in a relationship and he has someone to go to bed with at the end of the night and make love to.

Why should I feel bad?

If he really loved me, then he would say so and he would definitely not be with her. Even though this is what I wanted, he still moved on and I had to do the same. Who I decided to do that with may not have been the best choice, but I can't take it back now.

I finished bathing and quickly hopped out of the shower. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my body before hurrying out of the bathroom to get dressed.

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