Chapter 27

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1 hour later

Alison's POV

We went back to rosewood we see Noel in front of Caleb and Emily front door he looks like he was crying? What the hell

Caleb looks at him "You killed her didn't you!" Caleb lifts him up by his shirt "Caleb I didn't kill her! Yes I was with her we spoke about doing a truce then I left she stayed next thing you know I see fire from a distance I'm the one who called it in! Now let me go for fucks sake" Noel says shoving Caleb back "I don't believe you" Caleb says wiping his tears "you don't have to" with that Noel walks away

Caleb sat down on the steps "She was the only one I had. She promised she wouldn't leave me!"

"You have us now" Hanna says sitting by him

3 years Later

Alison's POV

It's been 3 years since What happened to Emily. we told everything that happened to Aria and Spencer. Are me and Caleb still together? Nope but he is with Hanna they fell for each other last year did it effect me? Not at all as long as they're happy I'm okay Caleb and I grew apart. Caleb had to see a therapist these past 2 years since he lost his only family he had. He had a mature break through I'm guessing he's doing fine him and Hanna went away for 4 months they're are suppose to be back this weekend Sometimes I see Emily in my dreams we talk about the times we were younger and what could of been if I had chosen her...

"Babe you ready to go?" I hear my boyfriend Lorenzo say yes detective Calderon you're probably like Alison what the fuck I know I know but he was sweet I was at a bar drunk he was there things happened we went on a date then there was other dates till he finally asked me out we've been together for like 6 months? Yeah 6 months "I'll meet you downstairs" I tell him there's one other fact I'm leaving behind I live with Caleb at the house no we're not sharing a room I'm staying in Emily's room I haven't even moved her stuff I don't want to but since I mostly stayed every night here I already had my own side of the closet I never bring Lorenzo in this room so don't get mad

I went into his car "Are you okay?" He asks "yeah I'm fine"

"Look we don't have to go if you're still sad about your best friend Alison I get it I do." He says grabbing my hand "can we just walk around the park?" I ask he smiles "yeah of course"

We were walking "hey Alison" Noel says "Hi Noel"

Yes We're friends now he's also friends with Hanna, Caleb, Spencer and Aria since he was also hurt about what happened to Emily which I found shocking you're probably like 'but he tried to kill you what the hell?!'

He wasn't in his right mind i think he let his feelings take over "Lorenzo how you been" he asks him "I've been great"

Noel grins "great. I guess I'll see you guys later at the party?"

Lorenzo nods and Noel walks away "Do you really trust that guy?" Lorenzo asks me "Not at all. But he's trying" I said laughing

A/N : short chapter sorry 😂I'll try to update today or tomorrow

Watch me update In like 6 days lmao 😂😂

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