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After we exited the pub, me and my dad went straight back home as we would be able to listen to Eggsy, thanks to a small microphone that my dad put on him. If Eggsy was going to become a candidate, we needed to be sure he could be trusted and that he could keep his mouth shut.

I knew that his step-dad would be home so I was worrying for Eggsy. If his mates were horrible, he must be far worse.

Once home, me and my dad went to his office and he brought up the microphone planted on Eggsy on his laptop. As well as Eggsy's army profile. My dad's office had a number of front pages of The Sun from days that were significant in his life. Quite weird but I guess that's how he remembers. There was one from the date I was born.

As soon as Eggsy walked into his house, I could hear his mum pleading for him to leave. But his step-dad didn't listen as I heard Eggsy groan in pain. He was hurting Eggsy and there was nothing I could do but listen.

His mum continued to plead with her husband but all he did was shout at her. What a god awful man.

"Who was with you in that fucking pub?!" Eggsy's step-dad asked Eggsy. "I wanna know the name of the geezer and the bird you was with." He pushed further. I had to start biting my nails as I was so nervous as to what he would do to Eggsy.

"I wasn't with no one!" Eggsy shouted back. But instead of just asking him again, his step-dad slapped Eggsy. "I don't know who you're on about!" Eggys persisted. But yet another slap from his step-dad. "I don't know who you're fucking on about!"

"Tell me their fucking names!" His step-dad shouted, getting angrier with every slap.

"I don't know who you're fucking on about." Eggsy shouted back. Still not saying anything about us. Maybe it was a bad idea going into the pub.

"You listen to me. I want to know who you was with in that pub. Do you understand? I want to know their fucking names!" Once again, he slapped Eggsy. I wish I could go over there and give him some of his own medicine. "Because, I swear, I'll rip your head off. Tell me!"

"I don't know what you're fucking on about!" Eggsy shouted once again.

"Shouldn't we do something?" I asked over the shouting, starting to worry not only about Eggsy but his mum too. He could do anything to her in anger.

"Wait." My dad told me, but I just wanted to go and get Eggsy out of there before he was hurt.

"I could kill you right now and no one in the whole world would notice!" His step-dad threatened. This was the cue for my dad to speak up.

"But I would." My dad said, making Eggsy step-dad stop. "I have enough evidence on your activities to have you locked up for the rest of your life, Mr Dean Anthony Baker." My dad warned.

"What the fuck?" Dean exclaimed, confused as to what was happening.

"I suggest you leave the boy alone or I shall be forced to deliver it to the appropriate authorities. Eggsy, meet me at the tailor I told you about." As soon as he could, Eggsy rushed out the door and away from his step-dad. "Wonderful. Now Natalie, I suggest you go to HQ without me. Me and Eggsy will meet you there." I nodded going to the car and heading to HQ.

Once I arrived, Merlin was waiting for me.

"Good evening, Gawain." He greeted me, clipboard in hand.

"Merlin." I greeted back with a smile. We then started to walk through the corridors.

"Most of the candidates are here and ready. Your father and his candidate seem to be late. Any problems I should know of?" Merlin asked. I shook my head.

MINE ━ Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin ✓Where stories live. Discover now