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It was the morning after and Natalie awoke thanks to an alarm she set last night. She groaned, moving her arm so she could turn off the alarm. She stretched her arms out and rolled over, hoping to see Eggsy laid next to her. But instead, there was a piece of paper placed on his pillow. She sighed, grabbing the piece of paper with her hand. She wanted to see Eggsy before he went, but obviously her alarm wasn't early enough.

Didn't wanna wake you. I'll be back later tonight. I love you so much.

Pizza's on me.

Eggsy x

Natalie rubbed her eyes, remembering Eggsy was to meet Princess Tilde's parents today and Princess Tilde herself. She honestly wished she was invited too. But even if she was, she couldn't have gone. She had to take Marty to the vet today and she could only get a later appointment so going to the dinner really wasn't an option. She had to take care of Marty first.

Natalie placed the piece of paper on her bed side table, sitting up in the process. She finally noticed JB asleep near her feet, making her smile.

"Miss him already, huh?" She asked the pug, gently stroking one of his small ears. "Me too." The girl sighed before getting up from the bed in order to get on with her day.

Her day mainly consisted of; doing Kingsman work, walking the dogs, meeting with Eggsys mum for a coffee before getting home in order to chat to Roxy over the phone about tomorrow's gym session. Roxy was Natalie's gym partner and they frequently planned their gym sessions ahead of time. Tomorrow was leg day, a day Natalie hated.

As it got later, Natalie poured food out for both dogs, but once again,Marty only nibbled before walking away.

"Not hungry again, eh? We'll get you sorted boy." Natalie knelt down, stroking the German Shepard's chin fluff. She hoped it was just an infection stopping Marty eating, they can deal with that easily. The worst it could be would probably be cancer or something like that. Natalie didn't know if not eating was a symptom of cancer, she wanted to read about it but knew she would make it worse on herself so just decided on the vet.

JB soon scoffed his food before heading into the living room to play with a squeaky toy. At least he hadn't lost his appetite.

Natalie looked her watch. Quarter to 7. Brandon should be here soon, she thought. Whilst she waited, she got her phone and decided to text Eggsy.

Hey babe, just texting to say I hope you got there okay. I really hope you enjoy it. Me and the boys will be waiting. I love you.

Make that a curry and I'm all yours ;) <3

She smiled to herself, happy with the text. But before she could send it, a knock at the door was heard. Marty jumped up, barking at the figure outside. Natalie knew who it was, so quickly sent the text to Eggsy before heading to open the door for her friend.

"Dog sitter reporting for duty." Brandon playfully saluted Natalie as she opened the door.

"Alright, Brandon." Nat laughed giving him a small hug before letting him in her house and closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, I'm not so bad. Ey up it's Mr Sick himself." Brandon knelt down in front of Marty, stroking him whilst also avoiding big licks. "I'm not forgetting you, little one." JB kept trying to jump onto Brandon, excited to see him. JB was too small and round to get a successful jump.

"How you doin?" Brandon asked Natalie, standing back on his feet.

"I'm alright. Are you sure this is okay?" Natalie had to ask just once more, even though he was already here. She hated taking people away from things in their lives for her.

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