11 -GC

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A.N. I finally have The Golden Circle, so let's do this shizz!

Judging by the movie, I'm gunna have fun with the final chapter of GC.


London in winter was never really that nice. It was getting dark at around 5:00pm, which made Natalie feel very shitty. Rain was more frequent and no one knew how much snow was to come, if any. Her job however, made it less shitty.

It had been over a year since the 'Incident' and Natalie never forgot what happened. Her father; killed by the man she had killed later on in the fight. It wasn't just to stop the moronic plan Valentine thought out, it was vengeance and avengement for her father. She couldn't bring him back, but she sure could raise hell in his name.

'At least they're together again' is what Natalie would always say as she thought about it time and time again. Her mother and father separated by death, now their together again in it. Natalie dealt with it slowly but surely, in her own way. And she was stronger for it.

"She's an Easy Lover. She'll get a hold on you, believe it." Natalie sang to the song playing on her phone.

Little JB and Marty laid by her feet, confused by the so called singing coming out of Natalie's mouth. She's wasn't an awful singer, just not good.

Natalie felt happy and content again, sneaking a glance of a photo tacked to the mirror. A picture of her and Eggsy, taken from a fair that they went to last month. Natalie couldn't help but smile every time she saw Eggsy, whether in real life or in a picture.

Their relationship grew with every day they had together. Trust being built beyond belief, and love being given in ways people who had been together for years would give. Eggsy adored Natalie, and Natalie adored Eggsy. They were what you would call, a power couple.

But every couple squabbles, right? And right now, Natalie was not particular happy with Eggsy.

They were suppose to be going to see one of Eggsy's friends on his birthday, but it had been an hour since Eggsy said he was leaving Kingsman and still no sign of him.

Natalie sat in her make-up desk chair in her room, ever so often checking her hair and make-up. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Reasons why Eggsy was late went through her head. Was it Kingsman? No he would have said. Did he bump into his mum? No she lives no where near Kingsman now. ( She moved out in order to give the love birds some space.) Was he with another woman? Natalie shook her head violently, taking a sip of the whiskey she had just on the side of the table. 'Eggsy loves you, he would never do that.' Natalie thought to herself.

She trusted Eggsy more than enough in that subject, she didn't know why she thought about it.

Natalie huffed, leaning her head on her hand. She looked down at JB and lightly smiled.

"Where is he, eh?" The pug just looked at her like she was crazy. "Yeah, my face exactly."

The door to the house opening made Natalie jump up and head downstairs. "Fucking finally." Natalie muttered to herself as she got the the stairs.

"One hour ago you said you were done. One hour." Natalie started lecturing Eggsy as she headed downstairs, not yet seeing the mess he was in. "Pretty sure it doesn't take an hour to get from Kingsman to-" Natalie stopped herself, finally setting her eyes upon the man she fell in love with. He wore his Kingsman suit, but he was covered in, what looked like shit to Natalie. Smelt like it too.

Eggsy looked at her with the most 'I'm sorry' look he could muster.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Natalie exclaimed, getting to the bottom of the stairs. "Is that shit?" Natalie held her nose as the smell was almost nauseating.

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