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A.N Please read the AN at the end. It's about what I will be doing with this book when it comes to Kingsman 2.

Bit of Neggsy things cause they cute


Not long after the bar fight with Dean and his minions, Natalie and Eggsy made sure his mum and sister were safe in their new home

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Not long after the bar fight with Dean and his minions, Natalie and Eggsy made sure his mum and sister were safe in their new home.

"Wow Eggsy, this is beautiful." Eggsy's mum marvelled at the house they were to now live in. She held her little daughter close in her arms, happy that they were now free from Dean and his mean ways.

"Thank Natalie for this. She decorated it just for you." Eggsy squeezed Nat's hand as they followed Miss Unwin around the house. Eggys's mum turned to Natalie and smiled at the girl. "Mum, this is Natalie. She's works at the tailors too and may also be my girlfriend." Eggsy introduced. Natalie held out her for Miss Unwin to shake, which she did.

"Nice to finally meet you." Natalie smiled.

"And you. It's nice of you to choose to put up with my son. I know he can be a handful." Mrs Unwin joked, balancing Eggsy's little sister in her hip.

"I've had worse. And who's this then?" Natalie looked towards Eggsy's sister. A big smile appeared on her face as Natalie loved kids. Always wanted a little brother or sister to joke around with.

"This is Daisy. Say Hi Daisy!" Mrs Uwin smiled widely, trying to get her child to smile too, but with no luck. "Sorry she's not good with strangers."

"No worries. I can be a bit scary sometimes." Natalie joked, pulling a funny face trying to get Daisy to laugh. But again, to no prevail.

"Aw don't. You're beautiful, itn't that right Eggsy?" Eggsy's attention was grabbed. He looked to his mum then to his girlfriend.

"I've seen better." Eggsy joked. Nat recognised the smirk, but Mrs Unwin thought different.

"Eggsy don't be so rude." Mrs Unwin lightly slapped her son on the arm, scolding him for being 'rude' to his new girlfriend.

"Ow! I was only jokin mum!" Eggsy exclaimed, holding his arm where his mum slapped him.

"You better be. A lovely girl like this deserves a nice man. Be that nice man, Eggsy." Mrs Unwin seeemd serious. Not having any of it from Eggsy.

"For fucks sake mum!" Eggsy complained.

"Eggsy, language around your sister." Natalie scolded Eggsy.

"Sorry, love. Now let's show them their rooms, shall we?" Eggsy held his arm out, motioning towards the stairs.

"Indeed we shall." Natalie interlocked her arm with Eggsy's and lead Ms Unwin and Daisy to their room.

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