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A.N. Last part of Kingsman for ya. Hope you enjoy!


Eggsy and Natalie ran together towards the party room. Their guns fully loaded. Bodies lined the floor after their heads were blown up, all dead obviously. The video of her father being killed by Valentine, played in Natalie's mind over and over. It got her blood pumping and her anger raging.  She needed to end Valentine and his schemes.

Once in the room, Natalie noticed Valentine still in his room above. She started shooting at the glass hoping to break it. Eggsy followed her lead and shot at the glass too. But Gazelle, Valentine's side-kick, pushed him down which also took his hand off the table pausing the sim programme. 

"Merlin, I need a way up!" Natalie shouted over the gunshots.

"I'm working on it! Keep shooting." He shouted back, typing away at his computer on the jet.

"Got it!" Before Natalie could reload her gun, Gazelle had jumped through the glass window, a gun firmly in her hand. She started shooting at the pair, who both tried to shoot back. But Gazelle had something they didn't, blades for feet. She cut their guns in half with the swipe of her leg, landing on the floor behind them.

Natalie pushed Eggsy out the way in order to take her on. Gazelle lifted her leg to try and catch Natalie with the end of her blade, but Natalie leaned in order to miss it, pushing her leg down and turning to kick back at Gazelle. Eggsy could only watch, wanting to interrupt at any moment.

Gazelle got angry, jumping up to try and kick at Natalie with both her legs, but Natalie used her arms to knock them away. Gazelle had pushed Natalie into the middle of the room with her fighting, trying whenever she could to use her blades against her. Natalie dodged and kicked whenever she could, but Gazelle dodged every attack and pushed Natalie to the floor.

Music then started playing and the lights started flashing around the room. Natalie looked up and saw Valentine had put his hand back on the table, starting the sim programme once more.

Gazelle smirked and moved her attention to Eggsy.

"Merlin, I'm gunna need to get up there!" Natalie shouted, watching Eggsy take on Gazelle. Punches were thrown, punches were dodged. Eggsy tried to use objects around him against here, blocking her hits with whatever he could find.

"I'm working on it!" Natalie could see Eggsy starting to struggle, so she got up and kneed Gazelle in the stomach, whilst she was distracted with Eggsy. She jumped over Gazelle's blades trying to swipe underneath her, and somersaulted backwards.

"Are they dead yet?" Valentine shouted from upstairs.

"Not yet." Gazelle answered as she circled Natalie.

"Stop playing with your food. Kill them!" Gazelle ran straight towards Natalie, making Nat roll away from where she stood. Gazelle jumped off the seat that was behind Natalie and somersaulted back to the middle of the room, swiping left and right to catch out Eggsy. Eggsy fought hard, but once against she had worked him to the floor, him out of breath and exhausted.

Gazelle turned to Natalie and smiled.

"I appreciate the fight, but why don't you just give in just like your father did?" Gazelle teased. Natalie's fist tightened as the mention of her father made her anger rise up again. "I'm sure he'd appreciate seeing you again. In death!" Natalie screamed in anger before running straight towards Gazelle. Gazelle screamed too, and did the same. The two jumped in the air, Gazelle with her blade out and ready to kill. Natalie clicked her heels which took out the poisonous blade her shoes. She dodge Gazelle's blade and swiped her arm with the blade in her shoes. 

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