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It had been around an hour since Natalie and Eggsy watched Richmond Valentine shoot and kill Harry Hart. Natalie hysterically cried for minutes afterwards, trying to come to terms with her father being dead. She had tried to find multiple ways to show the video being fake, but to no luck. It was real. Harry Hart was dead.

Throughout, Eggsy never left Natalie. He knew of her pain and wanted to help her as best he could. He hugged her when she needed to be hugged, let her go when she wanted a minute to herself.

Natalie sat, her knees held against her chest, in her father's chair. Savouring his smell and the many memories she had with him. Eggsy sat on the floor, watching and waiting for her to move or talk. He had never wanted to kill someone so much as when he wanted to kill Valentine in this moment. Marty, Natalie's dog, joined the two after he heard his owners screams. He laid next to Eggsy, also keeping an eye out for Natalie. When Natalie was sad, Marty was sad.

Natalie moving made Eggsy jump. She had gotten up from the chair and made her way downstairs. Eggsy and Marty hot behind her. Eggsy wanted to be the sure she wouldn't hurt herself. Or do anything that she would regret later.

Eggsy followed her as she went to the dining room and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. She then got herself a glass and started pouring herself a drink. She handed Eggsy a glass which he reluctantly took. Natalie poured him a drink and sat at the top of the dining table. Eggsy was unsure of what she was going to do, but decided to follow her actions so he could be there when she did something.

Natalie slowly raised her glass, her face reading no emotion. "To Galahad." She raised the glass, trying ever so hard not to cry more. She was exhausted from crying, she couldn't cry anymore. She didn't wait for Eggsy to raise his, gulping down the glass before pouring herself another.

"Natalie." Eggsy placed his hand on top of hers which held the whisky glass. Her hand was cold, almost stiff. Natalie let go of the whiskey glass as a tear rolled down her face. His heart broke seeing her like this. When he met her, she was bubbly, sarcastic, beautiful. But now, she was broken, emotionless. He wanted to make it all better, to just click his fingers and everything would be alright again. But, nothing was going to make this right.

"I'm gonna kill him." Nat said with a straight face.

"Natalie." Eggsy began to warn her as he knew what she was talking about.

"He killed my father, someone so important to me. He does not get off lightly." Nat said, swirling the whiskey in it's glass.

"Of course he doesn't but we can't go in guns blazing." Eggsy explained, knowing that is they went in all guns blazing, it was more than likely that they'd both be killed.

"I wish I could. See the look on his face when I put bullet after bullet through his chest."

"Nat, we will kill him. But we need a plan. Get him when he least expects it." Eggsy told her, starting to sound like Harry.

"I'm gonna go talk to Merlin." Natalie's voice croaked as she slowly stood up from her chair.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Eggsy followed her actions.

"No. I'll be fine." She tried to send a weak smile to Eggsy but it never showed. Without warning, Eggsy put his arms around her, rubbing her back gently in order to calm her. Natalie was surprised at this action. She could feel herself wanting to cry again but stopped herself to hug Eggsy back. "Thank you for being here. I really appreciate it." Natalie told the boy.

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