1- How It All Began

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"Where do you think you're going?" Ryan questions from behind me.

I drop my shoulders as I sigh, slamming shut the front door which I had just opened.

"Out" I spin around, leaning my back on the cold wood.

"At 1am?" He questions, as calmly as he can.

"I do believe that's the time" I nod, smirking.

"You can't" he folds his arms sternly.

"And why the hell not?" I raise my voice slightly causing an echo in the house.

Ryan was my step-dad but I'm pretty sure he thinks he owns me, telling me what I can and can't do more than my biological Dad ever did.

"Because it's 1am" he sighs.

"Ava's out" I remind them both "why don't you trust me?" I smile sweetly.

"No that's the problem, I don't, you go out and do dumb stuff which will get you killed" he informs me.

"I'm not stupid, I can take care of myself" I insist, fiddling with the latch.

I gaze up to the top of the stairs, floor boards creak from up there.

"What's going on?" My Mom tiredly asks as she plods down.

"Ivy's decided she's going out" Ryan tells her, looking between her face and mine.

"Let her" she surprisingly says.

"Huh?" Me and Ryan question in unison, each as confused as one another.

"If she dies so be it, I couldn't care less" she tells us, casually.

But her harsh words didn't hurt me anymore, she hasn't loved me since my Dad's death, just before he had left her and she had shouted him out for being the devil, a foul man.

I reminded her too much of him, with my natural white hair and dark eyes to contrast, it was inevitable for her to hate me just as much.

"See, she said I can go" I smirk, turning to open the door.

"Before you go, where's Ava?" Even when she was angry with me Ava always came into conversation.

Ava aka perfect child.

"I dunno" I shrug.

"Of course you don't" she breaths out.

"What's that meant to mean?" I inquire, gritting my teeth.

"You don't know anything" she stands closer to me, I can smell her liquor stricken breath as she talks.

"I'm sorry I'm not Ava, I'm sorry I don't get A grades, I'm sorry I can't be perfect all the time, I'm sorry I'm so 'like' Dad" I flip, her small question had set me off.

The once silent house is now an uproar of pointless screaming.

Unlike my sister I could stand up for myself, that's what she hated about me and loved Ava's obeying personallity.

I watch as Ryan walks into the kitchen, he had become accustom to mine and Mom's ability to fight over anything and learnt to stay the hell out of it.

"Yes, you're vial, naive, rude and spiteful just like him and that's why he loved you" she taps my shoulder as she speaks.

"You're just jealous because he never loved you" I say quietly, watching her expression change from sorrow to anger.

"I'm glad he died and will you just go and do the same" she screams but I laugh to match her angered temper.

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