11- Little One

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A few days pass and I'd been able to keep my promise, sitting at the opposite side of the table to Finn and dodging him in the house.

I sit on one of the sofas, flicking quickly through the pages of a less than exciting book.

"So, how your ribs holding up?" I look up to Cal, his hair a natural brown and not highlighted with a bright but random colour.

"Yeah, they're alright" I shrug.

He pushes my feet from where I had then propped up and jumps down next to me.

"What do you want?" I inquire curiously, I'd learnt that people only interacted here when they wanted something.

"I'm just being friendly" he defends, snatching the book out of my hand and reading the back.

"I was reading that" I pout, kicking him in the side.

"No you weren't, you were just scanning the words" he calls me out but it just earns him another kick.

"Grow some balls and ask me want you want" I scold, narrowing my eyes at him slowly.

"Okay, okay" he deflects my foot on the third kick "I wanted to know if you'd be an awesome friend and..."

"Spit it out, Cal" I instantly regret my choice of words when he bursts into laughter.

"That could be taken out of context" he chokes out, still laughing.

"Ugh" I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose with frustration.

He calms himself down, cutting off his laughter slowly.

"Will you please talk to Corrine and-" before he can finish his request I gasp, getting the hint of what he wanted.

"Yes, I ship it" I nudge him in the arm teasingly, I probably should of seen this coming considering the two of them were best of friends.

"You what?" He looks confused but still having that snall hint of emaressment on his face.

"Sh- doesn't matter" I decide.

"So, will you?" He asks.

"I love meddling with people's love lives, of course" I tell him excitedly, it was something to focus on for a while; it could be boring here and my mind was beginning to wonder with thought.

"I would of asked Nico but she scares me and Hasely has a few screws loose plus can't keep a secret to save her own life" he admits "but you also can't tell Corrine that I sent you up there".

"I won't, don't worry" I jump up, using his shoulder to help push me up then muttering a "probably" under my breath.

"I don't know if I trust you..." he states slowly as I skip out.

"Coral" I shout quickly, smirking to myself as I go out.

I liked Cal and Corrine, they were nice compared to some of the others although I didn't know them very well.

I climb the stairs, feeling the faint straining pain still coming from my body, although the pain had died down but still occasionally throbbed.

I walk to the end of the hall and just as I'm about to knock on Corrine's door I notice my own slightly cracked open.

Curiously I push it, wondering if Miles was up on the roof or not.

He wasn't, he sat on the window ledge outside looking out onto the front.

He hadn't noticed I came in and I was going to use this opportunity to it's fullest.

I creep up slowly behind him, grabbing his shoulder and shouting a "hey".

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