18- Cuffed

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It was a few nights after the 'paint' incident and I could still smell the wonderful odour which was blue paint and Miles didn't mind pointing it out every three seconds.

We had only just had dinner and shit had already gone down, I had just about closed my eyes when I hear shouting from the bottom floor.

It was only a matter of time before the stomping comes up the stairs, causing me to sigh a little.

I pull the covers over me as I hear the door slam shut, I was too tired to deal with the strop Miles was ultimately in.

"You have five seconds to explain this Ivy" he growls, causing me to slowly peel away the cover from my face with a degree of caution.

"Explain wh-" my jaw drops open as I see him, a sight for sore eyes.

Miles stood with a scowl and folded arms, soaking wet as he glared at me through the strands of dirty blonde hair which plastered his face.

I bite my lip to stop the smile coming to my face, I knew where that would get me.

"W-what makes you think it was me?" I cover my mouth to muffle my laugh, sitting up properly in my bed.

"You're the only person I take the piss out of everyday, it has to be you!" He explains with a purple eye roll.

"You annoy the shit out of everyone, everyday" I remind him "this wasn't me".

"I don't believe you" he glares again accusingly.

"You know a good friend once told me assumptions destroy 95% of things in an average humans life" I decide to give him a piece of life advice, he looked as if he needed it.

"Did you or did you not do this?" He hisses.

"Did not" I repeat boredly "I don't know who did but it wasn't me".

For a second he debates whatever it was and sighs quietly, almost silently as his hands drop to his side.

"Then you're coming with me to find out who it was then" he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of bed, I could hardly see him through the darkness before he flicks on the hallway light on walking out.

"Miles I'm tired an- wait" I widen my eyes as something gets clips to my wrist and then to Miles too.

The shadow that was Rowan pats me on the head before running into his room, slamming the door behind him forcefully.

"He did not just do that" Miles says through gritted teeth, nodding down to the handcuffs which restrained us both together.

Shocked, I try to pull away and so does he, my dark eyes glaring at Rowan's door as I breath out a curse word.

"Try and slip your hand out" he tells me, using his other hand to move the metal.

It was big enough to move a little but still too small to pull my hand free completely.

"Fucking hell" he growls, pushing past me to get to Rowan's door.

He slams his hand on the door, banging a few times with a scowl.

"Open the fucking door Rowan" he yells "Now!"

There was no answer from inside other then a snigger, causing Miles to kick again.

This little outburst had brought a crowd of people to watch, Miles still banging at the door while I just shook my head.

"What happened?" Hasley questions and as a mute answer I pull both mine and Miles' cuffed hands up.

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