22- It Might Just Be Fun

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Dinner was fairly awkward that night, the new kid- Dominic -eyed us all wearily as if we would attack at any second and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the kid who was dragged to a place he obviously didn't feel comfortable in.

It was also pretty quiet, mainly as Kane hadn't found his hearing aids but seemed rather pleased in that fact, simply because Nico was so confident that it wasn't a huge house and they're obviously in here but never the less she couldn't find them.

Oliver attempted to get to know us, or rather he failed at getting to know us as all he received was sarcastic answers to his questions about us.

The next day went by quickly despite having nothing to do but worrying about the fact Miles actually had a plan to make Oliver obvious to his drinking idea and the scary thought he was going to knock him out or something because I would put nothing past the absolute psychopath.

The sun started to fall behind the tress and I lie on my back on the floor by my bed, my legs stretched up onto the mattress I lace my shoe laces in and out in nothing but pure boredom.

The door swings open but I don't bother looking up, at least not until the light flicks on and my hands slap up to my eyes which begin to sting.

"What the hell are you doing?" Miles questions, turning the light back off slowly as he edges over in curiosity.

"I'm bored" I sigh, laying my arms out next to me as another small breath of over exaggeration escapes me "I'm always bored".

"Well it's a good thing my plan is fully in action and all you have to do is convince our new little friend to either join us or convince him not to tell" he pulls me up with warning, managing to yank me onto my feet in front of him as my eyes widen with a thought.

"Oh yeah, Oliver... what did you do?" I ask him slowly, giving him time to think about his answer before he admitted he murdered him.

He laughs "He'll wake u- he'll probably wake up" he jokes, enjoying the look of shock on my face for a few seconds before shaking his head "He will wake up, give it a few hours and he won't even notice someone slipped some sleeping pills into his coffee".

He tosses his pills across the room and onto his bed, his shoulders dropping into a dramatic shrug "I can't believe you did that" I scoff "Actually yes I can".

He laughs "So anyway, if the kid isn't in I'll dispose of his body after" he nudges my shoulder in the direction of the door as he walks past, tossing the few remaining pills onto his un-made bed.

I nod, saluting rather dramatically as I pull open the door and take a big step out.

I walk a few doors down, my fingertips brushing against the wall as I let out a whistle- a strangle good moos had me in its grips today which I knew would be disrupted sooner or later by probably getting caught drugging the person in charge but for now that just seemed hilarious to me.

Once I get to Kane's door I don't even bother knocking, knowing the boy wouldn't hear anything if he was in there.

My dark eyes land on the new kid, laying on the floor with his head resting on the bag he hadn't bothered to unpack just staring rather complacently up at the ceiling.

I smile as I drop down next to him "Hey, what you doing?" I ask him but of a few moments all I get is a quick glance from his bright green eyes.

"Evidently nothing" he says flatly in a slight accent I couldn't place, his fingers fiddling with the zip of his jacket subconsciously in an obvious attempt to fill his boredom.

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