16- Psychopath

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Miles P.O.V

I slump down slowly with a huff, sitting with one knee brought up to my chest.

I pick at my lip as I stare out the fence with one word running through my head, "fuck".

Ivy wasn't meant to see any of that, including my little in volenterly crying episode.

My 'cocky' and 'arrogant' act hadn't lasted as long as I had wanted it to before she realised how much of a loser I was, she seemed to like that Miles a lot better and I did too.

The people here knew me, they knew what I use to be like and I was over all the sympathetic looks but with Ivy, she treated me as just another person rather than a pity case.

Me in that room a few minutes ago was me every day a few months ago, I liked the way I was now but now Ivy knew the truth and she was a smart girl so she would be able to connect the rest of the dots.

Before I could let my mind run off too far I hear a sigh from next to me as someone sits down.

"Hi" Xander greets me and I wave a little.

"You talked to Ivy, didn't you?" I huff, rubbing my tired eyes.

Xander would never volenterly come up here, if he looked down he would probably be sick.

"Maybe" he shrugs.

"I don't need baby sitting, I'm okay up here" I assure him.

"I'm not here to baby sit you, I'm here to ask if you're alright" he states simply,  sounding rather sure of himself.

I don't respond to that, I suppose I was okay although I was kind of pissed off at myself.

"You told her about the amnesia, why?" He asks me, I could here the disbelief in his voice.

"Because I had a nightmare and cried in front of her Xander, she deserved some sort of explaination" I explain quickly to him.

Honestly, I didn't know why I did it I think it was because of that but not even I was sure.

She looked so scared when I woke up, at first I thought it was because I said something but it turned out she was scared for me.

"How far did you explain, did you tell her about yo-".

"No" I shut him up.

He just nods with his head low, he was trying not to upset me.

"You don't have to be so careful on what you say, I'm not going to have an emotional breakdown because of a name" I almost snap, letting out a deep breath after.

"I know" he lies.

"Look I know I don't remember much about my own fucking life but I remember what I did and I'm sick of everyone treating me like I don't" I say with annoyance lacing my voice obviously.

"We just care about you man" he punches my shoulder.

"I know" this time I have to admit, they went about it in a stupid way but they did.

"Ivy's nice and from what she's said to me she understands as well but she doesn't seem very good at showing it so give her a chance" he tells me slowly as to give it time to process.

"She doesn't need to know anymore then she does, I don't want her to" I breath out surely.

I thought this girl would be an asshole but she was a good person and I liked having a person to talk to, if she found out the truth she would never speak to me again.

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